Substitue Teachers

3 Conversations

Everyone has seen the movies of when a substitute teacher is running a class for an hour. People think that when there is a sub the class gets wild and people start throwing things around the room. Well if only that were true. What really happens is the exact opposite in most cases. Everyone is quite and either doing something they want to do or working on the work the teacher left. The reason is because of an unspoken secret, and I am about to expose it. If you do not want to hear it then please leave the page NOW!

Usually a teacher will only assign busy work for a substitute teacher to give out. 73% of the time the work is easy and won’t take to long to do. If the work is finished early then the sub has nothing more to give and has no choice but to let the students do what they want.
It is also untrue that substitute teachers can not control a class. The movies always show that subs get to afraid to teach. There are certain subs that can control a class and those are the ones that you do not want to try and take advantage of.

There are two types of subs one is the kind that just is there to keep the class from getting too loud or out of hand. The other is the kind hard kind that is there to replace the teacher 100%, and does not want anything to happen if it is not written down, signed, stamped, and painted on by the teacher. The easiest ways to tell what type of sub they are is to talk to them. If you talk to the sub and observe their actions it is possible to tell the difference between the two. Unfortunately it is not possible for me to tell you what to look for because every sub is different (what did you expect they are humans after all).

Please note that the information in this entry was gathered by me personally so if you happen to have a sub where kids are throwing things around the room well I have to things to say. One if the sub does not care then Good for you, you got lucky. And two if you disagree with something in this please let me know how what should be changed (if you want to flame than keep it to your self).

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