A Conversation for Ask h2g2
What to do?
lapislazuli Posted Oct 31, 2013
3D? Let's go global. Sourcing the correct materials in good time is paramount. How else can a prism fired gelatin (bio compatible) insert be included in an early Christmas cracker to be pulled and reveal a 3D hologram of the Vatican City over those tables already straining with a cornucopia of food and drink?
What to do?
Santragenius V Posted Nov 13, 2013
Finally, found a rather obscure Danish magazine that dares to say it as it is with the kind of technical obstacles that groups like ours face:
"With the convalens-structures' onomatoleptic cipher-equitature in constant permanence-fractured valens, you can't be surprised that the intratranscendent parabolizing-affluence is deflected."
Apologies for any imprecisions in the translation from my native language.
What to do?
lapislazuli Posted Nov 13, 2013
MMM fascinating but, taken the aspect of the most recent photoshots from JPL of Saturn showing a clear disparity between Corsovantic theory and correctly prepared scrambled eggs at Jodrell Bank. I think you should consult 1965 editions of the Beano.
What to do?
Peanut Posted Dec 8, 2013
well if you look in the namapo, journal here...
you *could try* sex ed
'All I got was if you put a lady rabbit in a hutch with a boy rabbit you would have a decent Sunday lunch in no time at all. I still get an erection when faced with rabbit pie.'
What to do?
lapislazuli Posted Dec 9, 2013
Of the most famous writer to have never mentioned rabbits; erections yes, rabbits no, was William Burrows LOL
What to do?
Peanut Posted Mar 2, 2014
mmm, think I was waiting for Pebs to get in a round, what was everyone else doing?
What to do?
Milla, h2g2 Operations Posted Mar 2, 2014
Never Korean. Too fancy for me. I think it was German. Possibly Polish. Cast iron. Couldn't make out the lettering to be honest.
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Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Mar 2, 2014
Might it have been the German Telefunken U47?
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Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Mar 2, 2014
Indeed. It is known througout the known universe as Miami Green, according to Danish folk singer Niels Hausgaard
What to do?
Milla, h2g2 Operations Posted Mar 3, 2014
A Telefunken then! Who knew! I might try to clean it up a little then, I never thought I'd have such a gem in my possession. Good thing it doesn't need much maintenance though
I mean, maintaining your maintenance equipment is just a bit much, isn't it
What to do?
Santragenius V Posted Mar 5, 2014
Are you sure that's not meant to read "parts made in your area"? Anyway, I am not too happy with the cast iron ones. Sure, they do the straightening fine - but don't drop them on your toes!
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What to do?
- 561: lapislazuli (Oct 31, 2013)
- 562: Santragenius V (Nov 13, 2013)
- 563: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Nov 13, 2013)
- 564: lapislazuli (Nov 13, 2013)
- 565: McKay The Disorganised (Dec 8, 2013)
- 566: Peanut (Dec 8, 2013)
- 567: lapislazuli (Dec 9, 2013)
- 568: McKay The Disorganised (Mar 2, 2014)
- 569: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Mar 2, 2014)
- 570: Peanut (Mar 2, 2014)
- 571: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Mar 2, 2014)
- 572: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Mar 2, 2014)
- 573: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Mar 2, 2014)
- 574: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Mar 2, 2014)
- 575: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Mar 2, 2014)
- 576: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Mar 2, 2014)
- 577: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Mar 3, 2014)
- 578: McKay The Disorganised (Mar 5, 2014)
- 579: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Mar 5, 2014)
- 580: Santragenius V (Mar 5, 2014)
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