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Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 181

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Who sez you can't dance in a hot tub?? It makes it more fun, trust me you should try it sometime! smiley - winkeye

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 182

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Especially with a fine partner. smiley - smiley
Oh Grate one, you dance divinly!! smiley - winkeye

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 183

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Someone pass a bottle of something cold, wet and alcoholic, pleasesmiley - smiley

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 184

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Help yourself, marv has brought enough beer to fill a hot tub......

*Thinks better of the idea, after all who wants hot beer*

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 185

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Well I have had the odd dream that I have swum in beer. Hmmmmm anyone have a small wading pool?

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 186



Somebody catch that mushroom!....NO..Not that one..THAT ONE!

S.O.B. stole my freakin' brownie!!!smiley - fish

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 187

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

Sorry I didn't mention this earlier, YK: I liked that MIDI thing.

Oh, and here's a wading pool. [waves at the three-story fridge; the wading pool is abruptly filled] With beer.

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 188

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Now who is going for a dip with me?

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 189

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Swimming in beer......

Sounds good to me smiley - bigeyes

Although i want to see people getting out and going to the bathroom on a regular basis smiley - sadface

Unless its American beer of course, then it wont matter......

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 190

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Good one, Linus. Here's a few cases of cold Molson's Canadian. Brewed just for *US*on Jan 19 oo. I love to be loved!smiley - fish@

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 191

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Can't say i've tried it before, but cheers anyway smiley - smiley

Whats mine is yours (beerwise at least), share and enjoy...........

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 192


Hello chaps! *Gwennie flashes big, toothy grin of clean teeth*

That's better! *rubs hands together* Rightho.... show me to the beer fridge and where have all the chocolate fishes (with vodka)!

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 193

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

G'day Gwennie smiley - smiley

No need to go all the way to the beer fridge when the whellbarrow is right next to you. Help yourself

If you look towards the bottom you might even find a box of vodka fishes i hid earlier smiley - smiley

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 194


Oooh, ta! *Gwennie dives in and grabs a beer and chocolate fish*. Ahh, that's better..... *looks around*
Quiet in here, isn't it? Got any music?

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 195

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Yes, but i got a bit distracted last time. Why don't you chose something smiley - smiley

It might be your last chance as i can be a bit of a music fascist sometimes smiley - sadface

Of course my opinion on musical quality is the only correct one smiley - winkeye
but doesn't everyone feel the same..........

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 196


My hands are getting a bit Prunie. I thin I'm goig to stretch a hammock between those two potted plants...then again I think I'll move over to the beer pool.smiley - smiley

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 197


The beer pool is right this way.. *leaps*


Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 198

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Hmm... swimming in beer? Sounds good to me!
*follows the trail of sticky footprints to the beer pool...*

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 199

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Everything come together in the beer pool. Nothing must be left, behind. RRRRRRRRRRRRsmiley - fish@

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 200

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Must have dozed off for a minute or two! Ahhhh! This is the life!

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