A Conversation for LET THE PARTY COMMENCE hic -Pardon Me.

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 61


*Yawn...Stretch....Scratch behind ear*

I think I'll take myself a little nap. Tis the hibernating saeson, after all.

First, one more beer........

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 62

Demon Drawer

*DD resurfaces*

How long was that? Is that a new Guinness World Record? 20 hours isn't bad for holding my breath, did someone say beer?

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 63


smiley - fish

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 64


how about a tall glass of guiness for that guiness world record?

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 65


Have some of mine. Got a keg of it here. smiley - smiley
*pors a pint and hands it over.*

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 66


*blinks, splutters, looks self over -very- thoroughly, blinks innocently* Got any -what- on me?

Oh!! Cream cheese.. no, but *scampers off, disappears in nearby hole in tree, returns* here's some! smiley - winkeye


Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 67



*lashes out with with arms...remembers therapist telling him to play nice...Calms down considerably*

Who stepped on my paw...smiley - sadface

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 68


*Gwennie appears in a blue flash which disperses, leaving a smell of burnt cooking (my family's next food offering)*

Hi bevryoddy! I've been hibernating for two days - I seem to have this problem with staying awake (yawn!).

Yes, I too volunteered to be a guinea pig for this h2g2 survey and had a lovely young-sounding Asian chap 'phone me up and got my hubby all jealous smiley - smiley and wondering what we were talking about!!!

Right then - vodka 'n' tonics all round? May as well start as I intend to finish (if I can stay awake).....

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 69

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Thought you'd never ask! Have a lime to top off your v.t.. Watch out for that Bear-Thing, he tends to wake up violently.

*Mari-rae's voice trails off as something catches her eye. The something is approaching from the direction of the crystal forest. It is a very, very large Endth. This dragon-like native of Zitlurub VI has a rainbow hued hide, and large swirling eyes. Mari-rae tenses as it comes striding toward the hot tub. "We're doomed", she thinks. But, then she notices the large bath towel the Endth has slung over one of its folded wings. Mari-rae smiles weakly.*

Hello there, would you like to join us? Vodka, beer? Anything? The Brownies are particularly good.

*The Endth places its folded towel neatly on the ground. Its wings unfurl and flap once, lifting him above the hot tub. The Endth executes a beautiful dive and plunges in. The water displaces itself with a whoosh. It whooshes into the faces and drinks and food of the party. The Endth settles itself next to Gwennie and gives her a slow wink.*

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 70


Okay ..... *Gwennie peers up at large dragon type beastie who is winking at her* I can relate to this. I'm still dreaming or suffering from vodka withdrawal symptoms..... there seems to be a rather large, dragon sitting next to me and eating Monsy's brownies.

Err, Mari-rae? Is this a friend of yours?

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 71

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Not yet. It seems friendly. *Dropping a soggy brownie into a now emptied v.t. and setting it over the side.*

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 72


So, showing all those teeth at me and winking is a form of greeting?
*Gwennie looks uncertainly at remains of previous meals stuck between the very, large and sharp teeth*

Phew! Methinks he needs some breath freshener.....

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 73

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*looks worriedly at Gwennie* What do you think?

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 74


Perhaps he'd like my bottle of vodka to use as a mouth wash?

*Gwennie offers up her bottle which the dragon gulps down in one go - bottle and contents*

Ahuh! Fine..... Does anyone know where we can get a supply of vodka bottles - full preferably?

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 75

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Men slay dragons, while women ply them with drink. Ok, sounds like a plan. There's a huge 'fridge that we're keeping the goodies in. I'll just go up and see what's available. Talk to him or something. Try winking back.

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 76


Err.....you sure? Promise you won't be long. Do you think the others, when they return will mind that we've adopted a pet dragon to share the hot tub with? I suppose we could always use him to heat the water..... it'd save all those nasty playing with buttons and stuff..

*Gwennie looks up at dragon and returns a wink*

I hope he doesn't think I'm instigating some obscure mating practice.....

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 77

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Quickly returns with an armload of various alcoholic beverages, including some of Monsie's chocolate fishes. The Endth grabs a fifth of JD, and a liter of that Laphroaig stuff (sp?); imbibes both. A tongue rolls out if its mouth with a smacking sound. Its eyes are swirling faster. Mari-Rae hands the Endth a chocolate fish (vodka filled). The tongue tastes cautiously, then rolls the fish into its mouth. The Endth's eyes close and what can only be an expression of ecstacy comes over its face. It makes a small mewing sound and holds its claw out in supplication. Mari-rae give him several more of the fishes.* Seems to like chocolate.

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 78


*Gwennie scratches Endth's tummy*

Hmmm..... I wonder if it's one of Greebo's distant cousins as it seems to have this insatiable appetite for chocolate. Lets try some doughnuts....

*Gwennie produces a box of chocolate doughnuts and offers them to the Endth who swallows whole box, eyes whirling and then belches*

Good show!

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 79


*re-appearing looking a little smokey and smelling faintly of woodsmoke* It looks like I am just in time. Thanx to Nonny I have a huge supply of salmon roulades...anybody want one?......arghh! What in the name of the Guide is that Dragon doing to Gwennie...and does she mind? smiley - bigeyes
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Hot tub on Zitlurub VI

Post 80


S'okay... it's a vodka swilling, chocolate scoffing Endth. Don't worry about the bad breath or if it winks at you.... It doesn't appear to say much though.

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