A Conversation for LET THE PARTY COMMENCE hic -Pardon Me.

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 61

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

That's better. We're now safe from sharks.

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 62

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

That is...unless anyone else is wearing any sort of swimming apparatus...

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 63

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

[If anyone had been looking in their direction, which no one was, then they wouldn't have noticed the seven-foot-wide blue sphere of energy and the equally large pink one, because there was a third energy field surrounding both which shunted away any notice of what one doesn't want to, wasn't expecting, or can't explain.]

Glad you know how to do an SEP field, Mew. Now, YK should be...

...in the whale!?

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 64

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

I usually leave generating SEP fields to someone else! Ho! Ho! Ha! ..ha....ha..er. Sorry.

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 65


Any sign of Baron Munchausen in here?
I've talked to Pinnochio and Jonah, they say that they haven't seen him.

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 66


Standing on top of velma,m wondering where everybody has gone off to. Shouts down the wahles blowhole and hears muffled laughter coming from inside.

Ooooo how could you get slowly digested in there.
vegimansmiley - smiley

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 67


Thanks for the equipment, DD, but from what TY says, it might be hazardous to my health! Guess I'll have to work it out "in the buff"!

YK.......how long can you hold your breath? Got any "friends" who don't drown easily? Any help would be appreciated, as Bubba *IS* a rather large fella'!smiley - bigeyes

smiley - fishNM

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 68


Wow...this is soooo much fun smiley - smiley I have found a HUGE Keg of Rum down this end of Velma....I will throw it over to you...I don't like the look of this other stuff...I thought that Whales only ingested plankton!hmph! Smells a bit too!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 69


*slides down the whales tongue and into her belly where the others are standing about*
oh my! it is quite cosey in here not isn't it?? smiley - smiley who knew the inside of velma was so richly decorated? smiley - smiley
*wanders over to the kitchen and begins to whip up a batch of "special" brownies*
monsy smiley - fish

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 70


Here you go Monsy....put some of this rum in them will you?
I fancy something rather special smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 71

Researcher 99947

What is that smell, might I enquire?

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 72


Good grief! So this is where you all are! Wow! Init big in 'ere?
Phew! Wots dat smell?

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 73


*plonk -- falls inside from atop blowhole at the cessation of the particular fount previously ridden up on* .. erm.. Nah.. don't bother trying to straighten that one out. smiley - winkeye

Yo ho ho! Seems like the past couple days has been.. erm.. interesting.. smiley - bigeyes

Oh, btw, no need to drop monsy-fish into vodka.. they're full of it already.. Why do you think Velma ate so many? smiley - winkeye

*peers around* .. Party seems to be growing a bit, too. smiley - smiley

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 74

Researcher 99947

Urm... also, where is the light coming from?

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 75

Demon Drawer

YK's device might be producing some short of afterglow. Anyone got any idea if an internally illuminated whale is liable to attract or deter sharks? I'm not too hot on Marine Biology.

*Velma opens mouth and a large chest slips to a rest on her tongue. DD opens it's to discovers bottles of whiskey, whisky, bourbon, vodka, gin and 50 bottles of beer on a wall, yes 50 bottles of beer.*

Well that's 49 bottles now!! smiley - winkeye

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 76

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

No, its the swimming costumes that attract the sharks.

See http://www.h2g2.com/A229303 for details.

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 77

Dizzy the Void

The light is now Zippy* using the "Flash" technique, which (a) creates a lot of light for quite a long time and (b) lowers the enemy's Special rating. And Sheba**, stop giving me that look. None of the other female life forms in this room are doing that.

[Random and irritating (because it's Pokémon-related) fact: When Pokémon of a different species have an egg in Gold and Silver, there's a nine-in-ten chance it will hatch into the least evolved species of its mother. It will inherit some of the abilities and Attack/Defense/Speed/Special ratings of both parents.]

*Zippy is a male Surfing Raichu: a Raichu that can use the "Surf" technique.
**Sheba is a female Clefable: her gender is probably the reason she's giving us male skinny dippers "that look."

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 78

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

Yes, Mew, YK is definitely inside that whale. [They fly closer] And, from the sense of it, so're Monsy, NM, Zippy, and Sheba. And a couple other familiar minds. You go on ahead, I'm going to stay right here.
Yes, give me the SEP field while you go. You're good at staying inconspicuous, even without it.

[Mew gives Mewtwo a telepathic "flash learning" thing and flies closer to Velma. Mewtwo is glad it doesn't take long to set up the SEP field.]

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 79


I am glad that you explained all that YK! Now...back to the
alcohol-tasting! Mmmmmmm...that's better! Where is NM...we could do
with his expert muck-cleaning capabilities!That smell is getting worse!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

The Party's...Inside the Whale!!

Post 80


The internal lighting (according to this handy brochure I've found lying about) was installed to create a suitably moody atmosphere, hence the subtle shifting of light intensity to give that all important 'glow effect'.
The decor has been painstakingly chosen by the finest Swiss interior decorators to maximise the.... HEY!
Something fishy's going on here! And I don't mean that last pun!
There's more to Velma than meets the eye smiley - bigeyes.

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