A Conversation for The Thieves Guild

The Thieves Guild

Post 161

Lorelei Ga'fen - Jedi;Lori Pendragon - theif,assassin,& witch - see Brokeback Mountain!4 Baftas!

Thingites are wierd.What's wrong with plain ole Thursday?

The Thieves Guild

Post 162


I don't know, its not just thursday though, its every day of the week they want to change...

You will have to ask Anthea about it...

The Thieves Guild

Post 163

Lorelei Ga'fen - Jedi;Lori Pendragon - theif,assassin,& witch - see Brokeback Mountain!4 Baftas!

I plan to.Change the days of the week?WRONG!!!

The Thieves Guild

Post 164


smiley - laugh don't let them hear you say that...

they are everywheresmiley - winkeye </>

The Thieves Guild

Post 165

AK - fancy that!

*leaps at the heretic from the corner*


< A516647 >

The Thieves Guild

Post 166


smiley - erm AK, you have to remember she is a RL friend of Anthea's...

The Thieves Guild

Post 167


Name: ShadeTheif
U. Number(just the number please, no U): 609417
Magic powers: Able to fix/break anything
Gender: Male
Prefered Licence Number: 123571113
Thing or thursday: Thing

btw - ShadeTheif is not a title, it's from my full name, Shaden Solomon Theif

The Thieves Guild

Post 168


Thief, as in this guild and maybe your name, is spelled thIEf.

The Thieves Guild

Post 169


A am aware of that fact and apologize for the poor spelling abilities of my ancestors. I merely added the note as to not give the impression (however true it might be) that I had been practicing theft without being a member of the guild.

The Thieves Guild

Post 170

Arisztid Lugosi

U. Number(just the number please, no U):237809
Magic powers: stelth
Prefered Licence Number:237809
Thing or thursday:Thing

What exactly do you mean exempt from thieving?

The Thieves Guild

Post 171


smiley - erm exempt from us stealing from yousmiley - winkeye

The Thieves Guild

Post 172

Arisztid Lugosi

do thieves steal each other? smiley - biggrin

The Thieves Guild

Post 173


nope we don't... or from Assassins either for that mattersmiley - winkeye

The Thieves Guild

Post 174

Arisztid Lugosi

oh, good. i'm glad thats all cleared up!

The Thieves Guild

Post 175

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Name: Coren
U. Number(just the number please, no U): 568442
Magic powers: None to speak of
Gender: Male
Prefered Licence Number: What do you mean by that?
Thing or thursday: Neither - Orgaladhad (Esty is a Thingite, if that helps)

I'm really only joining because I have become interested in thievery by my lover Garrett (video game character, actually), and wonder what it's like to be a thief. But can I join anyway?

The Thieves Guild

Post 176

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Name: Garrett
U. Number(just the number please, no U): 881280
Magic powers: None
Gender: Male
Prefered Licence Number: What does this mean?
Thing or thursday: Thursday

Note from Garrett: Esty's too lazy to sign in to my account right now, but I need to join so I won't be unlicensed and breaking the rules.

Coren: Please let him join? Or I'll torture you until you wish I'd never been born. smiley - cross Because if you don't let him join... Well, ask Anthea. She knows why.

The Thieves Guild

Post 177

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Where IS everyone?

Coren: Oh, and I don't want to sign up, thanks.

The Thieves Guild

Post 178


smiley - erm Thamian is in charge... I think... and I haven't seen him in some time...

The Thieves Guild

Post 179

Estelendur (AKA Esty)

Coren: smiley - groan Guhh...

The Thieves Guild

Post 180


smiley - erm yeah it is one of those days

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