A Conversation for The Thieves Guild

The Thieves Guild

Post 81


so are you doing A level, GCSE, university?
me, I'm doing AS levels at the mo.

The Thieves Guild

Post 82

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

A level I think...
the scottish system is a little different from the one down south

The Thieves Guild

Post 83

AK - fancy that!

I have no clue what any of you mean about A levels and all, the American system is even more different...

The Thieves Guild

Post 84

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

I'll explain. Over here in England and the rest of Britain to a certain extent, instead of grades, we've got years. I think that i would be in grade 8 because i am in year 9 over here. We also have three key stages. The first one is for children just out of reception(the lowest year mostly 4year-olds). That goes up to the end of year 2 i think, and an exam is taken on the 'key subjects' maths, english and science. The key stage 2 goes from there all the way up to the end of year 6. The same subjects are taken again as exams. Then Key stage 3 goes from the start of year 7, to the end of year 9. Then instead of key stage four, they call the next lot GCSEs. Basically you spend the next two years carefully preparing coursework and studying until you eyes fall out because what GCSEs you get over here, are the qualifications that you must have if you want a decent job. I think employers do acctually accept the american system. But, when you have done you GCSEs, another load of exams come up to haunt you. The A/S levels.

Thats the most uncomplicated explanation of the British system of teaching that i can think of.

The Thieves Guild

Post 85


that's uncomplicated?

we just have kindergarten (sometimes preschool) for about age 5-6, then elementary school (grades 1-5 or 1-6), then middle school(6-8) or junior high (7-8) then high school (9-12)... then college.

The Thieves Guild

Post 86

AK - fancy that!

Judging by waht he said I think he knows all that.smiley - doh?

anyway now I get it, mostly.

wudduz GSC or whatever, stand for?

The Thieves Guild

Post 87

AK - fancy that!


The Thieves Guild

Post 88

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

a gcse is the exam/ qualification
yoou get in england at the age of 14/15 normaly i think
in scotland we call them standerd grades

The Thieves Guild

Post 89


you do GCSEs in Year 11, which is American 10th grade. generally you're 16 when you do them

The Thieves Guild

Post 90

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

i was 15/16 when i did my highers
and i think there like the as leval...

The Thieves Guild

Post 91


maybe but I'm doing as's and the average age is 17

The Thieves Guild

Post 92

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

i am slightly younger than most of my year group...
i am doing advanced english this year
thats like the english a leval....
and i am 17... will be 17 1/2 by the exams...

The Thieves Guild

Post 93


ah, not as young as me! everyone's learning to drive and stuff and I won't be 17 till next August! smiley - wah

The Thieves Guild

Post 94

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

at the 6th year/form dance/prom
i will be one of the few not old enough to drink...

The Thieves Guild

Post 95


Ah, proms. I think we have one next summer, I'll get the opportunity to wear a pretty dress for once. Ellie threatens to wear a tuxedo, then I can be on her arm smiley - laugh
Well I don't drink so I don't have that problem! smiley - laugh

The Thieves Guild

Post 96

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

neather do i smiley - smiley
I asked a fellow resercher to go as my date and he said yes so thats that problem sorted smiley - biggrin

The Thieves Guild

Post 97


Excellent! smiley - biggrin

The Thieves Guild

Post 98

AK - fancy that!

smiley - lighthouse

The Thieves Guild

Post 99

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - erm

The Thieves Guild

Post 100


an inspirational insight into the way things work around here!


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