A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Space

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 101

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

~~ Jo'tra... is that you... good, he let you out of the carbonite, i was starting to wonder... ~~

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 102


~~Yes master, it is me... I will be in the temple soon enough and I will tell you about my mission on Hoth...~~

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 103

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

~~I will look forward to hereing about it Jo'tra, good to here your safe, ~~

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 104


~~and you too Master Anoon~~

Rokay, you ready to go?

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 105


*nods and shrugs*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 106


*takes Rokay by the hand unfastens her and then leads her out*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 107


*Rokay walks up the Ramp an gets fastened in*

z-1: where is M'lady going?

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 108


*the ship having landed on Corellia, Rokay programs it to return to Yavin and gets off, nervously**

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 109


*gets on board and sits in the pilot seat*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 110


*P-306 waddles in*

P-306: Hello, I am Pee Threeohsicks, human/cyborg relations.

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 111

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*walks into the ship*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 112


P-306, go sit in the back with the other two droids

*points abck at them playing sabaac*

Master Anoon can sit in the co pilot chair as I would like to talk to her...

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 113


*P-306 waddles off with baby in arms*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 114

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

P306 please excuse Jo'tra,
he still has much to learn...

*goes and sits in the copilots chair and straps in*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 115


*calls back* sorry P306... I didn't get a good night sleep*/*

Anoon... I don't think it was you

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 116

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Jo'tra do you have any idea how close we came to the Kamino Ambasador blowing us into star dust?

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 117



I don't know how close we came...

*looks nervous*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 118

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well lets see...
I have never had to fight so hard to save a life...
he tryed to kill my son... then he went and tryed to kill you i presume...

all because of some strange fanticy you seem to have had...
I hate to say this Jo'tra but it would be best if i sign your training over to someone else...

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 119


Its not a fantasy...

I know it happened, its just now I think it was someone who looked like you...

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 120

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

do you still have my lightsaber?

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