A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Space

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 161


*Jo'tra laughs toosmiley - biggrin*

Take care Anoon *hugs her* don't worry

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 162

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

Well, lets get under way then. Will you get the ship ready, Jo'tra while I get Chnei and settle the child.

*Goes to the hatch and calls Chnei. She enters the ship and settles in for teh flight.*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 163


*sits in the coopilots seat goes over the preflight*

Do you mind flying Ancha, as Anoon doesn't trust my piloting...

and I don't know the area f space you want...

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 164

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

Sure, I will fly the ship if you wish.

*Settles Annat and sits in the pilot's seat.*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 165


*nods* if you don't mind

smiley - erm when we get to where ever, will there be a training flight sim?

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 166

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

There is an outbuilding where you could build one if you wish. You would get all the bits you need in the city.

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 167


I guess we will have time, if we are waiting for the war to blow over

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 168

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

*Powers up the ship's engines and eases out of the hangar into Yavin orbit.*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 169

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

*Goes to cargo bay and secures TARABENA.*

We have to leave the ships here. Grab what you need, Jo'tra. We can hire a hover-truck at the space port terminal.

Secure the ship when we leave it, Jo'tra.

*Gathers up his gear and Annat jnr.*

*Leaves the ship. Chnei follows clutching her bag but not saying much smiley - biggrin *.

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 170


*turns to the droids*

You two are in charge here

*grabs a pouch full of gems making sure he has his saber he seals the ship on the way out*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 171

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

*sits down*


Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 172


<*points to the last line of post 169*>

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 173

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 174


Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 175

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

We're at Ancha's base - having food. So are you, See you there.>

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 176

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

/\/ Jo'tra, my ship is still in your hold.\/\

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 177


/\/ already dropped it off Ancha\/\

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 178

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

/\/ Got it. \/\

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 179


*Jo'tra sits at the controls looking out into space*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 180

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

/\/ Jo'tra... before you block the signal listen... I... Ma'rol is...
d... *voice shakes* Ma'rol's dead... Jo'tra... I... thought you should know... tell... master puppet... but none other please... I trust puppet to know.../\/

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