A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Space

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 141


*Jo'tra rolls out of bed uses the fresher station before changing into his jedi robes*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 142

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

*Enters. Looks round.*


Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 143


*comes out of the cabin*

It was my fathers for his "business" until I /borrowed/ it, one of my designs anyways...

*bows* so the baby and Chnei?

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 144

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

Chnei is outside. <If she's not online when we leave we just drag her in by the scruff of the neck. smiley - biggrin

Anoon will bring the baby down when she is ready.

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 145


*nods* its very young for the child to be separated...

<smiley - erm not much older than a week I think>

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 146

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

We will just have to do our best for the child.

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 147

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*enters the ship slightly unstedaly*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 148

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

*Nods to Anoon and prepares for what will, undoubtedly, be a tearful farewell.*

Anoon, come in. Sit.

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 149


yes we will *moves over to Anoon and supports her*

what is wrong master?

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 150

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

nothing nothing Jo'tra...
Just... tierd

right... so I am hopeing one of you two knows how to care for a young child...

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 151

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

We will cope. We can always give you a ~~ ~~ call if there are any problems.

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 152


I'm sure the three of us can cope with one baby...

smiley - erm Ancha are you lactating right now though?

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 153

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

smiley - sorry no. It'll just have to be "formula" from now on.

Seriously though, I've contacted my droids on Arras and they will have got in everything we need.

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 154

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

as long as you have everything....
I dont want my son falling ill or something...
and... no smokeing curseing or... other unsavory things!

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 155


Don't worry we will have his name sakes over smoking 20 a day, while we and let him watch me and Rokay on bed... no cursing theresmiley - winkeye

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 156

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

Annat will be well cared for, have no fear.

Well we should be on our way.

*Moves towards Anoon.*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 157

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*looks down at her son wrapped in blankts*
well... keep him warm... hes not to catch a cold!
and... be careful
anything happens and i will not hesitate to chace you across the galaxy

*reluctently hands her son over to Ancha*
I mean it... jedi or no... anything happens...

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 158

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

If anything did happen to the child, you would not have far to chase me. He will only come to harm over my dead body. I give you my word on that.

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 159

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

*Takes Annat from Anoon.*

*Looks closely at the child. a huge smile appears on the child's face. He burps and gurgles.*

There is certainly a lot of his mother in this child. smiley - rofl

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 160

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*laughs slightly*
I... will...
*turns and practicaly runs off of the ship obvioulsy destressed*

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