A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Space

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 61


*slumps against the bulkhead and closes her eyes*

[Rokay] *in a small, tired voice* Fiancee...but it doesn't matter, not right now.

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 62


*puts his arm around her*

you must be tired Rokay...

*sends her comforting feelings*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 63


[Rokay] What does it matter to you? *tries to shrug him off but she ends up holding onto him*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 64


If you are my Fiancee then I must have loved you, and if I did then I should care even if I don't remember it

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 65


*nods weakly*

[Rokay] I guess, well it makes sense. *smiley - blue*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 66


*tries to send her comforting feelings*

my memories should return... thats what the doctor said right?

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 67


*nods again, tiredly*

[Rokay] He said that they should...are you really getting nothing?

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 68


I can't remember anything that you have meantioned... but I see a blur

*eyes start to focus*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 69


[Rokay] *vaguely, as if she's drifting to sleep due to sheer exhaustion* Good, that's good...

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 70


*uses the force to send her sleepy feelings*

Its alright... go to sleep

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 71


*takes a shaky breath and a tear falls onto Jo'tra's lap, but she drifts to sleep*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 72


*sits there with her*

*thinks about how he could have lost his memory*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 73

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

< You two need to stop being bored...>

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 74


*starts whistling a childhood song*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 75


*climbs down the ramp*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 76


*Rokay wakes up slowly and sees the ramp is opened again*

*she frowns and clambers down*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 77


*pulls Rokay up the ramp and closes it behind them*

*makes his way to the pilot seat*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 78


*slips into the copilots seat and watches Jo'tra*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 79


*hands start flying over the keypad*

sorry about that, we are in a hurry

*starts calculating a jump*

Pride of the Gibúr's

Post 80


Why are we in such a hurry? *straps herself in*

Key: Complain about this post