A Conversation for Movie News from Robbie Stamp

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 181

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

Recently I read MAUS by Art Speigleman. The cover has a couple of mice cowering with a massive swastika behind them, and the book's title in splattered ww2 era germainc script. It's striking and even shocking (to find such a massive symbol of the holocaust), a percursor to the powerful story inside.
(It's a comic book, wouldja belive it???)

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 182

Researcher 185550

Ah, the Maus series. There are about 7 of them I belive? My school library used to have a few.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 183

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

No, there's two books, MAUS: A suvivor's tale, and MAUS part two: And Here My Troubles Began. I have both in one book. But they were first published in "RAW" in about 7 chapters.

This book is the first time I realised Comics were a medium capable of real literature and art, not just humor. But I still prefer silly comics instead.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 184

Researcher 185550

I think there are some stories that are better left to the reader's imagination. But others work really well, and MAUS is a good example of this.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 185

Thin Lizzy

Yeah. Even after thousands of years, nothing entertains a human more than a story. Most people would argue, because it makes humanlife sound primative when put like that, but why else do we read books, watch films, and constantly watch soaps and dramas on TV?

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 186

Researcher 185550

Indeed. That's why Pratchett, in his book The Science of the Discworld II claims we should not be called Homo Sapiens (wise man) but Pan Narrans (Story telling ape).

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 187

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

Who's this "we" you talk of? I'm not either of those, I'm "mustelidis pinkus", The rare insane pink ferret.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 188

Researcher 185550

Ok, humanity then.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 189

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

I think it's a source of pride to be inhuman. Look at the state you guys have got the world into, and all we've done is run around biting each other harmlessly.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 190

Researcher 185550

Yeah but we're having a blast while we're doing it.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 191

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

So are we.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 192

Orion >> Chief Calculator of Temperol Dynamics >> moon moaner

Very Douglaseske (!!!) It almost sounded like you where discussing something sensiable :p

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 193

Researcher 185550

smiley - biggrin

Well I'm a human now, may as well stay one.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 194


I was just cruising around h2g2 and ran into this and I simply must make my own casting suggestions. In any case, I might be way off base since I'm not a producer or director, but I would like it. smiley - ok

Zaphod: I agree with the thought that Gary Oldman would be great!

Trillian: I must say that Nicole Kidman would make a perfect Trillian.

Arthur Dent: Hmm... tough one. A difficult role to play so it would have to be someone with inate talent. I'm having a Steve Buschemi moment I think that he might do a great job given the chance.

Ford Prefect: The part is made for Andy Garcia. smiley - smiley

my thoughts completed...

smiley - aleKaoswondersmiley - ale

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 195

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

I thought prehaps Mike Myers as Zaphod. Arthur Dent is an everyday bloke, really needs to contrast the other characters.

Slartibartfast: Billy Connoly

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 196

Researcher 185550

Just thinking about what was it, that Victorian film he was in, I'm thinking.... yeah...smiley - biggrin.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 197

Orion >> Chief Calculator of Temperol Dynamics >> moon moaner

Gentlemans relish I beleive. not so sure about nicole as trillian though...

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 198

Thin Lizzy

Nor me but that's only because I hate her and she wouldn't do such a degrading role, she'd probably think she's too good for it.

Billy Connolly was also in "Mrs. Brown". Cracking film, that. Cracking.

smiley - biggrin

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 199

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Steve Buschemi would make a great Zaphod... smiley - smiley

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 200


By the way, for anyone in this thread who doesn't already now, the cast so far is:

Martin freeman as Arthur
Mos Def as Ford
Sam Rockwell as Zaphod
Zooey Deschanel as Trillian
Warwick Davies as Marvin (voice uncast)
Bill Nighy as Slartibartfast.

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