A Conversation for Movie News from Robbie Stamp

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 201

Researcher 185550

It was Mrs. Brown I was thinking of.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 202

Orion >> Chief Calculator of Temperol Dynamics >> moon moaner

Where did you find out the cast???

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 203



Although Nighy isn't officially mentioned on douglasadams.com, he did day in an interview that he was going to be in the film.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 204

Orion >> Chief Calculator of Temperol Dynamics >> moon moaner


Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 205

Thin Lizzy

Hhhhhhmmmmmmm. Well, the proof of the pudding, as they say...

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 206

Researcher 185550

Exactly. It'll be worth a look anyway.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 207

Thin Lizzy

And if it's good it'll be a comfort and if it's rubbish it'll be another thing to joyfully rant about.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 208

Researcher 185550

smiley - winkeye

"Actors.....couldn't act.... did you SEE the way they played Slartibartfast?......God it really irritates me when they...... and they completely missed the point of......I'm sorry, there's just NO WAY IN HELL THAT...... The music could have been..... where were the pan galactic gargle blasters, that's what I'd like to know!.......... not a patch on the book"


Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 209

Thin Lizzy

Exactly. Sorry, it was only when I saw the etc. bit at the bottom I realised what you meant. I was wondering if you were feeling OK!!

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 210

Researcher 185550

smiley - ok Feeling fine.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 211

Thin Lizzy

Good. smiley - cheerup

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 212

Researcher 185550

Either way, Awix is sure to post a refreshing and amusing review of it.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 213


Oh dear oh dear oh dear. I for one am remaining very sceptical about the Hitch Hiker's movie. There always has been and always will be ONE Arthur Dent- Simon Jones. Giving the role to anyone else is inviting a mess up of epic proportions! I honestly don't know if I'm going to watch it or nt, from what I just read about the plot there it sounds like, ooh, first thing that pops into my head here... A pair of fetid dingoe's kidneys....


Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 214

Jim Lynn

Well, given that the plot came from Douglas himself, you are, at least, getting genuine hitchhiker's.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 215


Right, let me get this straight in my burnt out excuse for a mind. They're missing out so many things that were central to the radio and book plots, which to some extent may be okay, because there's undoubtedly going to be soem of it that won't work visually. But still, from what I've seen and heard about the movie so far, there's still a heap of stuff that I feel is integral to the story. So basically I'm still remaining sceptical. Desperately tryng to keep an open mind but I'm finding it difficult!!


Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 216


Okay, so tyhe plot came from Douglas's original visions (that then spent in his own words "20 years in development hell") so like you said it'll be genuine hitch hikers.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 217

Jim Lynn

This isn't a version of the movie that spent 20 years in development hell. This is what Douglas was working on right up until he died.

Why not read a few things about the people making it:

A2257599 - an interview with the director and producer
A3513359 - first of four Q&As with the director and producer
http://hitchhikers.movies.go.com/movienews/interview.html - an interview with the screenwriter
A3283346 - concept art

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 218


Cheers Jim mate, took a look at those interviews. The concept art looks pretty good too. I just hope that everyone involved in the movie can still realise Douglas's vision and do it true justice. Sorry if I sound like I'm about to go on some kind of witch hunt here or something. I'm really not, honest!


Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 219

Thin Lizzy

Whoever is in charge of the whole thing is a braver man than I, for sure. I think that this [the book in general, previous serialisations] is one of those projects that has the potential to go horribly wrong if handled in careless hands.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 220


Well, the previews are fnally on telly, and I have to admit, contrary to my early scepticism, the movie is actually looking quite good, I just hope it is and does justice to DOuglas's vision.

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