A Conversation for Movie News from Robbie Stamp
Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!
Jim Lynn Posted Apr 15, 2005
It definitely does. I've seen it three times now, and loved it every time.
Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!
eccentricMartyn Posted Apr 16, 2005
Well now I am looking forward to it even more!! Evenbetter, I'm being taken to see it as a late birthday treat so I'm not paying! Hehehe! Have to say, from what I've seen of the previews, the voice of Marvin was an excellent choice!
Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!
kiwilander Posted Apr 18, 2005
What are you kidding me? Have you even done the slightest bit of poking around into this movie? it looks GREAT! Why bother being faithful to the book when the book was a spinoff of the original radio series. None of the various productions of HHG in different mediums have been exactly the same, so why should this be any different? The cast look great, so do the previews and I even got a promotion hitchhikers towel yesterday! This movie will be splendiforous and considering Adams just about wrote the entire script before he passed away (I can't describe how annoying that is, although I'm sure Adams feels this even more) then it should be a cracker.
Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!
Thin Lizzy Posted Apr 30, 2005
I like the look of the movie- but I'm not so sure about Marvin. He looks like a plastic SMASH martian.
Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!
Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista) Posted Apr 30, 2005
I saw it last night. Marvin was much better than I expected, Zaphod much worse. You win some, you lose some.
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Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!
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