A Conversation for The h2g2 Wodehouse Society

I rather fancy joining!

Post 81


ah, yes, well,**hrumph*.... it all started...why, than-you Jeeves....
yes, where was i??

I rather fancy joining!

Post 82


Just in front of Fink-Nottle, old chap.

I rather fancy joining!

Post 83


Yes, go on, old bean. I'm simply agog.

I rather fancy joining!

Post 84



well then, into the breech once more old chums....

**scratches head while trying to remember where this plot was going**

Jeeves!!! JEEVES!!! isay, what exactly was i talking about before this blasted G&T got me all befuddled what???

I rather fancy joining!

Post 85


You were giving us the heads-up about old Potts-smith, I believe.

I rather fancy joining!

Post 86



well done that chap...

I rather fancy joining!

Post 87


supremely so, not a touch of pink about him...

I rather fancy joining!

Post 88


Anyway, the info, old bean. I have to head off into the metrop. in half an hour.

I rather fancy joining!

Post 89


ra! yes, well, harumph! i think may already have said too much as it is....what?

I rather fancy joining!

Post 90


Not at all, old chap. You said you wanted our help, and we bally well want to know the background info, if you would be so good.

I rather fancy joining!

Post 91


damnation!! damn and blast that damned big mouth of mine!!!

okay, damnit!! Start at the top whatwhat??

Alright you chaps.... to do this properly we're bally-well going to need a montage....

I rather fancy joining!

Post 92


Rocky-style, or Team America-style?

I rather fancy joining!

Post 93


Team-America style, naturally.

I rather fancy joining!

Post 94


"Even Rocky had a Montage!"

I rather fancy joining!

Post 95


smiley - bleep Yeah!

I rather fancy joining!

Post 96


"always remember to fade out in a montaauuge.....smiley - laugh

I rather fancy joining!

Post 97


It makes it seem like more time has passed in a montage...montage...

I rather fancy joining!

Post 98


oh-ooh.... montaaauuuge...smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

simple things what-ho??smiley - biggrin

I rather fancy joining!

Post 99


Indeed. Anyway, after that montage, I would like to know what's going on.

I rather fancy joining!

Post 100


you mean you were'nt watching??? thats what the montage was for....smiley - biggrin

**leans in conspiratorily**..

look here old chap, bit of a bally nuisance and all that, don't tell the other chaps, bit of an embarresment to be truthful what?
Truth of the matter - and itrust you to be 100% stiff-upper-lip-tight about all this cappy-old-chap - i needed that montage to help jog the old brain along what?.... Seems that nasty thump on the head that started the whole thing.... seems to have jiggerd the old grey cells up to damn-and-blast-it-damnit-all!!


*swigs rather large G&T...*

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