A Conversation for The h2g2 Monty Python Fan (Pythonist) Society

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3541

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

I don't need a reminder to their genuis.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3542

fiery opaleye - the happiest little Vegemite as bright, as bright can be

Let me in the society! Give me my free parrot! Or at least a slug that talks!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3543

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

Don't expect it to happen too soon. If I remember correctly, it took over two weeks before I got in.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3544

fiery opaleye - the happiest little Vegemite as bright, as bright can be

That's nothing. I signed up to join the Australian and New Zealand Researchers over a year ago and I'm still not on the list. smiley - sadface

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3545


Cafram - U43948 who edits the Australian and New Zealand Researchers group hasn't posted since last Aug 23, 2005. You could create a new page by copying the old page and take over the running of the group.


I want to be in the Society!

Post 3546

fiery opaleye - the happiest little Vegemite as bright, as bright can be

I'll have to think about that. My postings were getting few and far between smiley - zzz but now that I've got my own computer,smiley - wow I should be here more often.smiley - winkeye

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3547

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

Any entries make it to the flea market?

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3548


Let me in the society! Give me my free parrot! PLEASE!!!!!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3549

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

I've got a slug that talks if you want that in the mean time.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3550

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

Let me in the society! Give me my free parrot!
I have the entire Flying Circus on DVD. Go on, test me! I can answer ANY question about ANY of the sketches, WITHOUT reading scripts off the Net.

And actually I'd prefer a free arguement if you'd be so kind.

If you don't let me in I may be forced to "N"word you to exceptional pain.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3551

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit fingers in his ears, blindfolded
"Well just cite the lethal joke from the first performance smiley - evilgrin"

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3552

Nick_Em (not_him)

Lucky I can't speak German...

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3553

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

Arg! It's like "Ich ben ien Stottlebaker..." I have no idea. Ask me another, and this time be fair.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3554


I think it's "slottermeyer"...or something...smiley - erm

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3555

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

I knew that! Arg! Next Question!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3556

AFGNCAAP (or, by popular demand, Afgahn Cap")

cite (in exact order) the cruel devices used by the more-than-slightly insane mobster (you know the one I mean), his name, who he used them on, what exactly he had an irrational fear of, and, for a bonus point, its name.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3557

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

Ah, well this IS a proper question. Let's see.
He used a hammer and nails on one guy's head and floor, a coffee table on the same guy's wife, the police for lots of things, and threats of bombing. His name was Dimsdale. I got two of those people who he used them on, but I'm not sure about the rest; however, I know he used his knowledgable treatment of female impersonators on one such female impersonator and he used respect, kindness, and fairness on everyone he met (or so they claim). He had an irrational fear of a giant hedgehog, whose name I think was... *drumroll* ...Simon (If that's wrong, then at least I know that it is two syllables).
For more bonus (?): He had a brother who used sarcasm, irony, and things of that nature. He was the most feared of the pair.

So... Am I a member now, or do I have to answer more questions (which I'd like to do anyway just for fun)?

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3558


Can I join? I love Monty Python,and also a show called Do Not Adjust Your Set which was hilarious, but not as good as Python.
BTW, I think the hedgehog's name was Spiney Normon, not sure though. So can I join, or do I have to set the Spanish Inquisition on you?

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3559

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit fixing nuts and bolds
"Then why are you so early back from the factory ? "

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3560


Sorry? Not sure I understand.

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I want to be in the Society!

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