A Conversation for The Iraq Conflict Discussion Forum

International Law

Post 4421

Researcher 538645

Dave, "I had the real quote in the post. I used all CAPS to emphasive the insult. You called him a twit. I've put that in all the posts. That's the insult."

Twit is not an insult. It's a state of being and he was being a twit.

"Congratulations wraith, you are a proficient computer hacker. I was very pleased with your skills to find an email from myself, to myself in my inbox. Isn't computer piracy a violation of international law?" - Email phreaking is not against the law. Sorry try again.

"You cast stone after stone at the United States and then break international law yourself."
Show me these stones will you?

Flipped out,"Believe me son there is nothing on earth I would like more at this moment in time to have your pathetic faggot ass here in front of me. I assure you you would be needing dentures afterwards"

ooohh you're scary with those threats of violence from the other side of the planet. I'll just await the defence of you that probably come from lentila (she used to do the same thing for starbirth) The double standard afforded to yanks comes in handy I guess.

" Is there really anyone out there that will continue to defend the wraith, the computer pirate." - nobody defends me.

Montana, "And why is it that wraith and ES are so adamant that sgt flipper is a fake, anyway?" - hardly adamant. Questioning is more accurate. To be honest, getting lumped in with ES is really starting to p1ss me off.

"The problem with conspiracy theories is that you can string any set of facts together and make one. The Kennedy assassination theories (Johnson, the Mob, the FBI, the military, Cuba...the list goes on) and the Iran-Contra theories are but a few." - Is there a free country other than the US that lump theories behind the murder of a head of state all togeather and dismiss them as conspiricy?

Rev, "But seriously - ES if I were a Yikesing person, I'd have yikes'd that cucumber crack. You just might make me call for the referee yet. That was so far out of line I don't even know where to begin." - and what flipper called me is okie dokey then?

"That kind of sh!t is inexcusable" - and all you have is flipper's exagerated word for things.

ES, "blickybadger, you don't have the right to order me not to answer you. When nonsense is spoken it should be corrected, otherwise an injustice is perpetuated. Don't be afraid of it." - I don't think BB deserves responce at it's obvious that his intention is nothing more than to spread spite through a number of threads.

I've lost a measure for some people here today smiley - sadface

International Law

Post 4422

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Blicky, baby, chill! Come on, breathe, calm down, that's it... Have a drink smiley - tea.
Now, are you all right? Good.
<< his mommy Della faked a persona on this site even on this thread I think whilst also operating her "real" log-in.>>
I thought we were done with this farcical hate campaign, and your lies. That, and your hang-ups about race, are getting pretty tiresome.
'Mommy'? You sure you're in/from the UK? My doubts about *your* identity/ies and veracity start to ferment...

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Post 4423


Red- I more than agree with you about Kerry. There is the whole Flag wrapping pushing the vet issue too much. I think that if we gets in he could turn out even worse than bush. I still think that Dean or Clark would be the best plan for a runner against bush. Although I have heard talk that Nader might be trying to go for yet another run as an independent. Great, at a time when the dems need every vote they can find (like it or not Bush won't be easy to beat) he is going to show up and split the dem vote again. If ever there was a rep in dem clothing there it is. He is their secret weapon.

Dave, why stop with STE? Perhaps if we just dedicate this thread to decode the human genome we might do more good.

Della, you need to spank your son and send him to bed without dinner. Stealing peoples email addresses is very very naughty.

Comparing Bush to Saddam smiley - rofl I'll just wait around until you and reality can get acquainted.

International Law

Post 4424


sorry for the confusion montana, that is what I meant. Fair enough. I heard a bizzare statment that Lieberman was pro-censorship. Have you heard this, do you know where it comes from? I like Dean's convictions, but I don't think he's reasoned enough - maybe he's got the right intentions, but maybe he's going to develop policy the way Bush does (flip a coin). Of course, I've been pro clark for awhile - and I do like lieberman too, but now it looks like neither is going to make it.

I actually like Edwards the least - it seems that he doesn't actually have a plan, besides "make me president".


International Law

Post 4425

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yes, teacher... (hangs head)
Well, no, on second thoughts. Why are ES and Wraith being attacked (sometimes through Wraith's connection to me) but Sarge can say "pathetic faggot ass" to Wraith, and that's just a colourful metaphor, a little verbal quirk, that is approved?
Wraith and I have had doubts about Sarge - ES doesn't - so don't lump our attitudes together.
It seemed particularly strange to me that people opposed to the invasion before it began, suddenly turned to favour it - because of "our brave boys". (I am not saying you favoured it Montana, but I don't think *any* soldiers should get a pass because they're there. They chose to be invaders. Not to put to fine a point on it, would you defend the Wehrmacht in WW2? Your great grand daughters/sons (or mine) in 100 years could see the present 'liberators' of Iraq in the same way.)
ES was a bit forceful with the cucumber remark, but hey, "pathetic faggot ass" (when Wraith did a bit of investigation) is on the same level, isn't it? Considerable insult has been thrown at me on occasion by Blicky, and his version of what happened has done the rounds - then he drags his sad story up *again* to attack Wraith. Come on, Montana, be a bit fair minded, as I always thought you were!
That's about the size of it. Rejection of their ideas is the least of what *I* feel about their situation. They are part of an invading army! smiley - grrsmiley - peacedove

International Law

Post 4426

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I applaud your answer ES. smiley - peacedove

International Law

Post 4427

Researcher 538645

I see a pattern.

First Flipper is obsessed with ES and I playing "butt darts"
Then he's on about my "faggot ass"
Now he's talking about "spanking" me.

This guy has issues.

International Law

Post 4428

Researcher 538645


International Law

Post 4429

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Sarge, get a grip (or loosen it...)
Wraith conducted an investigation, as he had said he would *if* you would provide the address... Last I saw, you were refusing to do so.
Montana insists that you are who you claim to be - I am sorry for you, because if you're a Psyops guy in Washington, your only danger is from your conscience - but if you really are a soldier of the coalition of the killing, then you might really be in deep sh*t.
Identity theft? Don't be absurd. Wraith's point was that because of the way email and forwarding systems are set up, one's bona fides are not necessarily guaranteed...smiley - zen

International Law

Post 4430

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Nonsense. Della never talked to Adele, and whereas Della talked to Flipper (because she follishly trusted him) Adele never did.
Sarge, whether or not you're psyops, you *are* acquainted with deception! I feel really foolish that I was ever taken in by the person you seemed to be when you first showed up.

International Law

Post 4431


Let me see if I have this straight.
Della would rather live in a country where, to qoute Amnesty International:
"The use of torture and ill-treatment in Iraq is systematic and has particularly targeted political or suspected political opponents. They are held
incommunicado and at risk of being detained for months or years without access to lawyers or relatives. Amnesty International remains particularly concerned
about the large number of people who have "disappeared" in Iraq. To date, the fate and whereabouts of tens of thousands of people remain unknown.”

Then to have a foreign army violate her leader's border. I appluade you darling.

Well, it is 0142 local. Time to polish up the ole lightning bolts hop on into the Oppresion mobile and round up some poor innocent civilians for the death camps.

Or maybe I'll go and get some guy who stockpiles explosives in his house so he can't put a bomb on the side of the road where children walk to school.

All a matter of perspective I guess.
Happy Hunting

another (inexplicable) departure

Post 4432

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Rev, what on smiley - earth is your problem? You're indignation is so one-sided and intemperate, I just don't understand you.

International Law

Post 4433

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yes, I do.

International Law

Post 4434

Researcher 538645

"Did you finally for the first time in your sad miserable life feel like a real man? Did you feel big? Did you cry when it was over? Did you print out my address so that you could lovingly caress my name with your fingertips at night whilst praying that your knowledge...."

I missed this first time. Flipper, you need to see someone professional. The rest of you who are trying a pathetic pretence of mediation defending this coward are just as sick but must add to it, convictionless.

I'm disgusted

International Law

Post 4435

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

smiley - erm When did I ever say that? Don't be silly, Sarge.

International Law

Post 4436


Hmm, so much for temperence. Charles Kennedy would be disappointed.

Although Della, you will notice that I never said "never".

I reserve my right to change my opinion at any time.

At present it is my opinion that Flipper was originally provoked in the insulting Empty Sky and Wraith thing, and that Dave's misquoting of Empty Sky was quite an amusing satire while it lasted. It is also my opinion that it would be best if both of these things stopped.

On Blicky versus Della I have very little comment. I would rather have both of them on the thread than not, and it seems to me that their arguement stems mostly from a shared tendancy to take sides.

Regarding Americanism, it my opinion that the people who once had a bad experience of American tourist, and the people who know all the words to "Star Spangled Banner" have between them set up a positive feedback loop of reaction and counter-reaction. Citizens of the USA are both overly attacked and used as scapegoats, and excessively vehemently defended on this site.

Regarding the domino theory, it didn't happen then and it won't happen now. If Bush wants another war then he'll have to find a damn good reason to get away with it.

Regarding democracy in the UK, I am rather worried by Tony continuing to ignore public opinion. I understand that in some cases, such as the abolition of the death penalty, at the time an unpopular move, it may be good for a government to take the lead over public opinion. In many cases this year, however, I think that it would have been wiser for the government to have considered other alternatives in the face of such overwhelming opposition.

Finally, regarding Iraq, I do not believe "we were still technically at war, it was only a cease fire" would stand up in any court in this case. However, I think this only matters as far as international law acts as a check to countries invading each other. What really matters is the people. At the moment, Flipper's assertions that the Iraqi people are better off under the USA than Saddam seem credible to me. What we will never know, however, was whether another alternative might have worked still better.

What I do not understand is why sanctions do not seem to have worked. If Iraq was cut off from trading with the outside world, how did the regime survive and construct any sort of war machine? It does not exactly seem like the most self-sufficient of countries. I mean where in all that desert would they get food, construction materials etc.?

International Law

Post 4437


Is there historical precedence for the case of sanctions, or an embargo actually having the desired effect? It seems to me that the idea of sanctions is like a siege. Only in the Iraq case, we didn't want to starve the defenders (rightly so, I might add). But if we're not going to starve the defenders to death, how is the siege ever going to work? Why do the siege in the first place?


International Law

Post 4438

Researcher 538645

smiley - book

International Law

Post 4439

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I apologize if anyone thought that I was condoning what sgtflipper was saying to anyone. His insults are no less problematic, or acceptable, than anyone else's. It was the insult on hand, and sgt's comments came after I'd made my plea. So as a blanket statement, let me say that argumentation, not insults, should be the preferred method of making one's point, whatever that point may be.

I don't know how to impress upon everyone that the legality of invading Iraq is a moot point in the sense that it's been done. As in past tense. What matters now is the future. How is this going to be handled? Who should deal with the rebuilding? Why flog the dead horse? sgt's got a good point, that given the fact that he woudl really rather be anywhere but where he is, he has to find some reason to be there, and the children of Iraq are that reason. I find that commendable. The fact that the majority on this thread think he shouldn't be there at all (myself included, mind you) should not be a reason to reject what he has to say.

Then again, sgtflipper also needs to not reject what everyone is saying to him, either. The fact that his presence in Iraq is an ideological nightmare, and that his choice to be in the military in the first place is not universally well liked, also has to be taken into account.

Oh, and Della, my soon-to-be-ex actually IS in psychops, in propaganda, to be exact. So I know something of that side of it, too.

International Law

Post 4440

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Montana, an ex in psyops... That would be well scary!
I have many doubts about Sgt Flipper ... I feel a bit taken in by him, because he seemed to turn Rummy on me after a while - maybe I just misread him...
No, his being there cannot be moot to me, because I am *so* upset about the whole d*mn thing! This time last year, I still had hopes it wouldn't go ahead... Whyever he's *in* the army, I can't overlook what they've done, and him being a part of that, and that's why I get so adamant - in that respect, I can understand *thoroughly* how ES gets so dogmatic. There are many soldiers in Israel in prison for their refusal to commit what they see as crimes against Palestinians - I accept that it would be a major step for any member of the armed forces to take, if s/he was really opposed to the war, to object to going - or refuse. But i feel it *is* that important!
As to what should be done now ... someone made the point that it *isn't* that odd to believe that the Iraqis could, and probably would make a better job of sorting themselves out, than any occupier could. Dubya's fear appears to be that an 'Islamofascist'(their term, not mine) government, might be elected. If so, that is the decision of the Iraqi people - and it should be their decision, not Dubya's! smiley - peacedove

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