A Conversation for The Iraq Conflict Discussion Forum
International Law
badger party tony party green party Posted Jan 29, 2004
OH yes she did lie to me and others. It is as simple as that and she has admitted it. What is blocking you from understanding the fact that she lied? or do you actually secretly despise her and keep repeating that erronious understanding to deliberately get me to further rake over the fact that she did lie? Im begining to wonder.
I was pointing out the hypocrisy of the fact that Dave Obvious can say utterly infantile things and get away with them. But I speak the truth (albeit a little exaggerated) and I'm gastigated for it.
What hypocrisy
Dave thinks both your posts' are over the top. Other people like Monty and Trunt (on this very page of the thread) think your posts go beyond what is necessary to state your point and use farcical exaggeration. So you see you are in a minority in thinking what you post is perfectly acceptable. Whats more you are in error as Dave has received plenty of negative feed back on his posting style too.
Why do you whinge like a child when people tell you off?
Please dont bother answering me as Im not that interested but I really think its in YOUR OWN interest to give yourself an honest answer.
International Law
Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) Posted Jan 29, 2004
blickybadger, you don't have the right to order me not to answer you. When nonsense is spoken it should be corrected, otherwise an injustice is perpetuated. Don't be afraid of it.
Please give just ONE example of the way in which Della/Adele lied. If you can't, it'll be obvious to everyone that you're merely believing what you've heard third hand.
I have used exaggeration, yes, but only because that appears to be necessary to make some people understand. But it's not farcical, it's perfectly accurate and appropriate.
International Law
badger party tony party green party Posted Jan 29, 2004
Please at the beging indicates a request and there is no imperative that would "order" you not to reply. Qucik bit of English tuition for you: Why dont you learn to read? Is a question. Please learn to read. Is a request. You should learn to read. Is a suggestion. You must to learn to read. Is an order. Got that? OK perhaps with a better understnding of English you will be able to read the posts in these links and finally understand that Della did lie. Posts one(1) and four(4) are the important ones. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F79789?thread=371009
International Law
seargantFlipper Posted Jan 29, 2004
"I've offered my opinion of SgtFlipper, there's no reason ever to re-state it. From now on I'll confine myself to answering the points he makes."
You haven't offered a valid counterpoint to date, why start now?
"BTW, yes I'm a concientious objector. If I believed in a cause enough (my country would never qualify as a good enough cause) I would be prepared to die for it.
But I'd never kill - ever."
Those who won't stand for anything will fall for everything. You feel perfectly safe launching a verbal attack. Your simplistic repetitious insults are less productive than a physical attack. If you cannot formulate a convincing counterpoint at least you could shut your opponent up by breaking his jaw. No, I do not buy your abhorrence of violence as any kind of moral or intellectual high ground for you. You have yet to post a single thing testifying to your possession of either trait. The real answer is you fear confrontation, I am sure that if you actually had to look me in the eye when you ran your cumdumpster you wouldn't have the confidence to talk half as bold as you type. Your weak ES. You lack constitution.
There are things worth dying for; they also are worth killing for, In the words of Patton, my job is to give the enemy the maximum opportunity to die for his country. Things such as freedom and liberty are worth killing for. During my seven years in the US Army we have brought these things to Bosnia, Croatia maintained it in Haiti, in the Sinai we have brought it to Iraq. Yes, the US is looking out for its own issues in Iraq. Believe me a stable prosperous country that assures the rights of its citizens is not only the best thing for US interests (free market economies require free countries) it is the best thing for Iraq.
I don't like killing. I have said that several times here (again learn to read it is a valuable skill here) yet I feel absolutely no remorse for every single murderous wanna be oppressor that no longer breaths due to my marksmanship skills. You are unfortunate. I really feel bad for you. I will die once. Cowards like you die a thousand deaths. You make claims about me and my country that blatantly ignore both reality and the contents of my postings.
I have given you every chance to be a big boy yet you continue to act like a weak pathetic coward, as afraid to mix facts in the written arena as you would be to be physically confronted. I have proven myself in the academic world as readily as in battle. I would like to say that I am well rounded enough; you’re not even half a man.
Red, I will not back down. You need to go back to the start of my inflammatory commentary. I ignored Empty Heads infantile remarks long enough. Granted the two of them are as ineffectual at producing a decent insult as they are at backing up an argument. Sometimes you just have to prove that whatever road they want to take, high or low. You can still outmanuvere them with ease.
Yes Blicky I know "Are you eight years old. Personally speaking thats the cut off age at which I accept that as an excuse."
However, I have posted my many many objections to Bush, his administration, the conduct of the war, domestic, economic, and foreign policy and I am labelled a "puppet" I have a deserved amount of pride in what I do for a living. (so do ES and Wraith. I have heard that Janitor at the peep show is very important) Every single day that I wore the Screaming Eagle of the 101st Airborne Division on my shoulder I was reminded of the men who came before me. The men that killed (because just dying won't get you very far) and died so that half of you wouldn't be speaking German and for ES and Wraith sakes lets not forget my USMC brothers who kept you sorry Kiwis from needing to learn Japanese. I will not ignore a cowards comment that "Nobody who voluntarily joins the US military could possibly be capable of independent thought." I don't believe too much in the current hero worship that is going on in the states. I will not stick a big "OIF Veteran" sticker on the back of my Mustang. I do however believe that mine is a noble profession. That the United States fighting men and women display more intelligence, compassion and honour than any in history. What numbnuts doesn't get is that independent thought is the hallmark of the US military. The fact that the lowest soldier is encouraged to make judgement calls, to asses the situation himself and not need to call in for instructions on everything. It is this empowerment that creates an agile fighting force. Despite Rumsfield's best hopes. Technology did not win this war. The courage, determination, and problem solving skills of the army did.
Let's not even get started on Wraith. I will give him a hairsbreadth more credit than ES; he learned how to steal email. He is still a piece of sh!t O2 thief. To think to be so much a child to commit identity theft and computer piracy simply because you cannot keep up with the rest of the class. How did it feel wraith? Did you finally for the first time in your sad miserable life feel like a real man? Did you feel big? Did you cry when it was over? Did you print out my address so that you could lovingly caress my name with your fingertips at night whilst praying that your knowledge of your own inadequacy did not lead you into wetting your bed once again? Because I am sure ES really hates that.
No one is forcing you two to remain (yes I do believe that you are separate, no one could be really as ignorant as you two combined) feel free to find a thread that caters more towards your mental capacities such as japanimation or video games.
International Law
seargantFlipper Posted Jan 29, 2004
"Please give just ONE example of the way in which Della/Adele lied."
Flipper (name he uses in real life)- has had seperate conversations with both handles at the same time, has read posts in which Della talked to Adele as if they were not one in the same person. Perhaps they never "said" they were the same person, yet they implied the hell out of it.
International Law
Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) Posted Jan 29, 2004
SargentFlipper, what an enormous load of nonsense. You'll never manage to convince anyone that you understand the world around you when you can only manage to talk in bumper stickers.
All you've managed to do is provide further proof of how manipulated you are and how your capacity for independant thought is severly limited.
You believe you're making the world a safer place, presumably because someone once told you that, ordered you to belive it and your tiny mind was not capable of entertaining any thoughts to the contrary.
But why has it never occured to you that, while blowing away what you percieve to be bad guys, you're supporting the terrorist regime that sent you there?
The invasion of Iraq is illegal, immoral and entirely unjustified. You have no moral of legal right to be there. The mechanism used to take out the dictotorial regime of Saddam Hussein is worse and more evil than the Saddam regime ever was. So, in supporting this system you are making the world a much more dangerous place. A place in which the law of the jungle applies and any country could be the next victim.
As if that wasn't bad enough, America has yet to demonstrate that the removal of the Saddam regime will ultimately benefit anyone except George W Bush. America hasn't, and never has had, the first clue of what will replace Saddam.
You are living a lie and you are so manipulated that you're unable to see it. WAKE UP!
International Law
Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) Posted Jan 29, 2004
"Flipper (name he uses in real life)- has had seperate conversations with both handles at the same time, has read posts in which Della talked to Adele as if they were not one in the same person. Perhaps they never "said" they were the same person, yet they implied the hell out of it."
Now you're getting desperate. Please explain how any of that amounts to a lie. Flipper, the fact that you were confused by Della indicates very little. You are easily confused, period.
International Law
Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) Posted Jan 29, 2004
"Qucik bit of English tuition for you:"
Fair enough, blickybadger, but while you're at it perhaps you could define the word "beging". I can't find it in any dictionary.
And the mood in which you asked me not to answer you made it an order, the word please was irrelevant.
another departure
rev. paperboy (god is an iron) Posted Jan 29, 2004
F**k this, I'm outa here. ES is living in his own little world of circular logic. I don't condone Flipper blowing his stack and using terms like cumdumpster and emphatically don't agree that when unable to respond logically breaking you opponent's jaw is an option, but I certainly understand how he might be tempted to do that in a few cases here. ES, you need profession clinical help, enjoy this little sandbox with the other toddlers.
another departure
Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) Posted Jan 29, 2004
Why, Rev????? What have I said?
You've identified a couple of very inappropriate and offensive things Flipper has spewed out - just on this page. But everything I've said is accurate and perfectly appropriate.
Where's the problem????? Or is everyone just defeated for a sensible argument, so they thought they'd attack Empty Sky for a while?
International Law
Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) Posted Jan 29, 2004
"Posts one(1) and four(4) are the important ones. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F79789?thread=371009" Well, blickybadger, I've read those posts and guess what - I CAN STILL NOT SEE A LIE ANYWHERE. What I suspect you might mean is that Della created two different personae (I'm sure she's not the only person to have done that) and ommitted to mention that they were the same person. None of that amounts to a lie. Qucik bit of English tuition for you: A lie is a statement made with the specific purpose of misleading. Omission of information is not the same as lying. If it is then I am guilty of the most dreadful lying by not telling you that my high school history teacher's middle name was Louise. Can you ever forgive me?
International Law
badger party tony party green party Posted Jan 29, 2004
Post: 1
Posted Last Week by Della the Cat Woman:
Jordan, you're well aware, I know, of the whole thing that done happened, when I unwisely snarled at BB, after what I saw as a ridiculous level of provocation from those I privately think of as the 3 (or the 6?) stooges - azahar, BB and Hoo/Member/Number, whoever he is this week...
I've read what you said on the thread, and I am deeply upset about it.
I *never* lied about having two logins, how many times do I have to say it?
I have seperated the last line so you can see the assertion.
Post: 4
Posted 6 Days Ago by Della the Cat Woman:
Jordan, I apologise, I was really worked up and upset because of my son... I don't want to go into any detail, but he was *so* upset about what NoMember said - and when Blicky weighed in, I think without proper understanding, well, it all got out of hand. Because I know the 'backstory' (if you will) I can see why Wraith was so agitated, and it's natural that I feel angry and helpless. I should not have been so vituperative to you!
About what I said to azahar about her man friends, you've got me there - I mean Blicky and NoMember... It's one of the times in the lead-up to the massive blow-up, when I frankly was fighting a match with a flamethrower! I shouldn't oughta done it. Is that the only Adele thing that upset you?
I admit that on the God thread I did talk as if Adele was a separate person.
So you can see she deliberately misled people. How did you put it? "A lie is a statement made with the specific purpose of misleading." I think that puts it quite nicely thanks for the definition empty. She did it not just on the one thread but on many but I wont bother talking to you for a while as you are obviously only going to see what you want to.
You ought to really listen to others believeit or not Trunt, Rev, Monty, Bouncy and myself all broadly agree with your stance but not your style. Even Flip can see you for the troll you are. Ever stop to think how you manage to get on the wrong side of six people in one day.
Hope you grow up soon. Take care
International Law
Noggin the Nog Posted Jan 29, 2004
C'mon guys. This thread is supposed to be *about* the war, not a simulation of it.
And just a page after Montana's widely applauded contribution.
International Law
U195408 Posted Jan 29, 2004
Instead of war, let's try democracy.
Please post saying so if you believe that everything Empty sky has said is accurate and perfectly appropriate.
International Law
Ste Posted Jan 29, 2004
We are in a debate about the war in Iraq with contributions from people from all over the world including a US soldier in Iraq itself! How f*ck*ng cool is that?
And all you can muster is petty squabbling and name-calling. It's so depressing.
Why don't we stop acting like 10 year olds and just talk with some respect and sanity. I've tried injecting some sense into this debate with absolutely no luck. Why don't we make a rule to only reply to posts that have any content in them?
Oh, I don't know.
International Law
Ste Posted Jan 29, 2004
Maybe someone needs to start yikesing around here. We certainly don't seem to be able to self-control the trolling and flaming...
International Law
badger party tony party green party Posted Jan 29, 2004
OK a question to UK and US poster but anyone can answer really.
Givent that one claim to justification (if you can call it that) for the Iraq occupation is that it ousted a leader who was dishonest and undemocratic. Given the way that Bush and Blair have behaved in terms of honesty and democracy lately how far or have they gone far enough that you would welcome an invasion that deposed a dishonest leader that had sent people to their deaths and ignored the will of the people?
Key: Complain about this post
International Law
- 4381: badger party tony party green party (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4382: Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4383: badger party tony party green party (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4384: seargantFlipper (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4385: seargantFlipper (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4386: Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4387: Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4388: Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4389: rev. paperboy (god is an iron) (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4390: Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4391: Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4392: badger party tony party green party (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4393: Noggin the Nog (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4394: U195408 (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4395: trunt (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4396: U195408 (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4397: Ste (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4398: Ste (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4399: badger party tony party green party (Jan 29, 2004)
- 4400: Ste (Jan 29, 2004)
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