Talking Point: A Good Read
Created | Updated May 1, 2003

Some books you read once and then never think of them again. They either gather dust on your book shelves or you dispatch them to the local charity shop. There are, however, one or two books that you find yourself reading over and over again. They become life companions and you want to recommend them to everyone you meet.
This is your chance to tell us about your favourite books and to explain why we should read them.
Do you have a book you love so much you want to recommend it to the world?
If so, what is it and why do you love it?
Is it a modern novel or an old classic?
Is it a children's book you have grown up with?
Or something you have discovered recently?
While we are on the subject, what books are not worth the paper they are printed on?
Tell us what you think!
If you are a fanatical reader, here are some other places of interest on h2g2:
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