Routines Before You Leave The House

29 Conversations

Man doing a handstand

We all have habits and routines that we like to stick to, but when does a habit become a ritual? If you don't leave the house without checking that the cooker is off and the log fire is out, that is common sense; but if you can't leave until you've turned every light switch on and back off again, to make sure that it really is off then that is a ritual. While Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a recognised medical condition, we are interested in the little things that you can't live without doing.

  • What items can you not leave the house without, and how do you remember them all?

  • Do you make sure that all the taps are off?

  • Do you have always put the same foot out of the door first every day?

  • Have you got a special place to leave your keys so that you don't lose them?

  • If you lay out your clothes overnight so they are ready for the morning, are they in order of dressing?

  • What would make you return home to collect something or complete a forgotten task?


Graphic supplied by Community Artist Wotchit

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