A Conversation for The Answer To The Ultimate Question Of Life, The Universe, And Everything

42... Which is...

Post 401

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

oh goody
does it have white walls?
I feel right at home

Roald Dahl has the full story - I simply precis

42... Which is...

Post 402

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The doctor will be along in 42 minutes to untie the strait jacket Swiv. Meantime have a nice day as they say in all the worst establishments.

42... Which is...

Post 403


But should we let swiv out of the strait jacket. Then we could all have the Moat of bliss to ourselves.
Gin and Tonic anyone.
Cor, Blimey mate, I think I just saw a diggerdeebian entering the gents at Harrods.
Tis the season to be jelly.

42... Which is...

Post 404

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Has been stung by a Digger wasp but never in the gents at Harrods. I think the last time was in the ladies at Lords, Cubicle 42 strangely enough.

42... Which is...

Post 405

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

It depends on the contexed, You can say there are two camels (don't ask why I chose Camels because I dont know) but they are both Camels.

42... Which is...

Post 406

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

42 ladies can get into Lords?

42... Which is...

Post 407

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

Vodka's miles better than beer and wiskey and even a G&T especially at school because It can't be smelt on the breath and has little vaper (now how would I know that)
If you want good Vodka chose Weberova (pronounced Veeb-er-over)

42... Which is...

Post 408

Jonny Zoom

Did Area 51 get full up then?

Hey you know, 5 is one more than 4 and 1 is one less than 2.

42... Which is...

Post 409


The number of minutes it takes to download this forumso I can see what I missed since last time. And it wasnt worth the wait.

42... Which is...

Post 410

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

is anything
what do you want ?

42... Which is...

Post 411

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

Yea I ant a fast car, A new computer with a 60 speed DvD drive&writer- pentium 5 and a 5000000k modem(I need it for this forum) Mega trilux super cool hoopy froody 3d graphics card and sound card with an extra 2000 voices in wave form. One of those Houses where you have a computer that controlls every thing(except me), a plastic pal who's fun to be with.............

42... Which is...

Post 412


Who let the quisling in.
I for one am going to go for a swim in the moat. Which way is it.

42... Which is...

Post 413



42... Which is...

Post 414

Smiley Ben

It is a bit of a problem... like this forum is rather dying as a result of its own success... sigh...

42... Which is...

Post 415


Yes, I see your point. But we've had some good times. What forum should we set up next. What could we possibly talk about, is this the beginning of the end, did I just see a school of Dolphins fly past my window waving.

42... Which is...

Post 416


The only thing worse than dying in your own success is drowning in your own... gin and tonic.

42... Which is...

Post 417

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

That is something I'd be prepared to drown in

Actually I saw a pig catching swallows earlier - they said the weather would be good

someone just set up a new URL for this forum to move to

42... Which is...

Post 418


Oh lead us unto the promised forum, oh great wallower of piffledom. Shorten our download

42... Which is...

Post 419

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Reads the last rites wearing a fancy outfit stolen from one of the 42,000,000, fat, rich yankee tourists, wearing the clothes from hell, and scaring the sheep. Or was that the outfit I stole from the Pope. Whatever. Amen.

42... Which is...

Post 420


42,000,000 yankees last seen dropping into the chemists to get something for the weekend.

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