Tales Of Adventure

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As is well known to some, probably not as well known to others, h2g2 is home to an amazing group of adventurers, explorers, superheroes and villains, and people who just like to have a good time. We'll be taking a nice, long look at some of these adventures, based on which ones come to the attention of the author, and which ones look like they will be wrapping up the soonest.

This week, we will be looking at a bit of adventure reminiscent of Star Wars and Superman. Minos Krylma, the head honcho at STUMPED1, the local Supervillains Syndicate, has constructed a gigantic weapon of mass destruction capable of destroying the entire Milky Way Galaxy. The OmegaMatic, as it is called, features all of the latest Doomsday Technology, including Tantalus Rays capable of destroying an entire planet.

When this little adventure began, Minos Krylma wrote a threat to President Peregrin, demanding that he bestows a knighthood on Minos, that he sends enough doughnuts to feed every single member of the Krymla armies for a while, and that Crater Labs, Inc., home and business of his arch-rival Afgncaap5, be destroyed. The President bravely refused to grant the demands of this megalomaniacal madman, even at the risk of losing the Galaxy.

Furious, Minos Krylma left to begin the long countdown sequence for the OmegaMatic, and many heroes from h2g2 (not just the super heroes) were contacted to aid in the destruction of the machine. Apart from the entire support of CHOPPERS (The Super Hero Syndicate) and Crater Labs, Inc., other heroes are coming along for the ride, such as YK & Company, Witty Moniker, Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman), Garius Lupus, Alien, Afgncaap5, Uncle Heavy, Poetry Woman, Captain Al Boy, MaW's Penguins, and many others were invited to come along, and are currently on the side commonly referred to as good.

Minos Krylma, expecting such an alliance of heroes, made sure to stock up every villain he could get his hands on, including (but not limited to) himself, Y2K and fellow clones, NYC, Starman Jones, Yowuzupman, Sea and evillenne, Zeb the shrew toon, Happydude, Scurge, Lord Ancba and Elizabeth, Big Bad Werewolf, Siletta Weaver, Darkman Shadow, Darth Noire, the ISO 14000 Monster, and Xerces. There are also rumors of a certain Mortimer McMire being involved on board the OmegaMatic somewhere, but this is unconfirmed.

Currently, the heroes are making good time, and have breached many security measures. Several components necessary for the OmegaMatic to blow up the Galaxy at its optimum efficiency have been totally demolished2. The heroes are, at this moment, facing off against Big Bad Werewolf in the control room for the Outer Defense Systems, where the heroes hope to make the OmegaMatic approachable by other space ships, and then proceed to the Gravitational Dumping Hub and the Galley, where Yowuzupman and Xerces await.

After this, Minos Krylma himself, along with many other villains, will be waiting at the Quantum Explosion Dynamo, where the Battle Between Good And Evil Of The Month will occur. Who knows how this will all end? Tune in next week to find out!


21.06.01. Front Page

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1Sinister Thinkers Unleashing Multifarious Pernicious Evil Deeds.2Such as the Neutrino Burst Injector and the Brownian Motion Inducer.

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