A Conversation for Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Post 21

Barney's Bucksaws


We're back on the 5 most neglected sites. This is our Capitol! For any Guess Who fans - there's a concert on CBC TV this Sunday night (Nov. 19) at 8:00 - They're back together for this tour - Randy Bachman, Burton Cummings and all. Tune in if you're a fan of Wheatfield Soul!!!!

Surely there are more of us out there!!


Post 22


Thanks, I'll be watching it.


Post 23

Barney's Bucksaws

Well, Voda2000 - what did you think of the concert? Imagine a crashing Manitoba thunder storm in the middle of it all!! It was a great concert. Randy Bachman's a genius with the guitar. Burton Cummings still strikes me as an a**hole, which, I understand from someone who knew him years ago, he is, but you can't take away his music and ability!

Too bad about the Eastern final, but the quarterback needs more experience. They weren't up to going against Calgary or BC. Now I hope BC wins the Grey Cup.

I think I watched more TV Sunday than I have since we got the computer last January!!


Post 24


That was a great concert! I thought the storm added a real atmosphere to it. Randy Bachman is still one of the best guitarist that has ever come from Canada (if not the best). I`m putting the CD on my Christmas list. I’ve heard the same thing about Burton Cummings.

I don’t really watch much football, but I was even interested when I realized that we had a shot at going to the Gray Cup. Oh well, there is always next year and just think we did a lot better than last year.


Post 25

Barney's Bucksaws

Exactly - and we may be the team to beat next year, when the quarterback gets more experience! And, as someone pointed out to me, it'll keep the franchise alive for another year. We're died-in-the-wool Bomber fans here - all the way back to my grandfather! Family tradition, and all that!


Post 26


Does anyone who lives in Winnipeg actually realize that no one on the rest of the earth knows or cares that it exists? I have lived in Winnipeg and now live in London, England and I have given up replying "Winnipeg" when asked whereabouts in Canada I used to live, because no one knows where it is. The only thing that people in Europe know about Canada is that there is a city there called Toronto. Winnipeg is a most insignificant and mind-bogglingly boring place. Moving away from there is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I would never live there again.


Post 27

Neugen Amoeba

One of the great pleasures of travel is meeting people from places you've never hear of.

Makes the world seem larger than it actually is!


Post 28


So your from London?
Where is that?


Post 29


Don't feel bad Manitobans. I'm from Moncton, New Brunswick. Fewer people know about Moncton unless they were up on the Francophone Summit. I used to work for Canadian Pacific Hotels and thought about transfering to the Lombard, but I decided that "dry cold" wasn't good for an East Coaster. lol. I'm used to the "damp cold".
Keep Warm.



Post 30

Barney's Bucksaws

Hello all you Winnipeggers, and Winnipeg-Bashers. I'm just dropping in briefly to tell you all I'm leaving! Gettin' outa Dodge! Blowing this pop stand! Takin' off!

I got a job in Ontario for 2 months, at least, and I'm leaving tomorrow or the next day. I will be back, however, for Christmas, and I'll drop in and see what you guys have to say then. Take care, all.


Post 31

Barney's Bucksaws

I'm back!! Just for Christmas. Happy Holidays!

Bluenose in quires

Post 32

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Toronto.. Tha's outwest sumwears...in't? Oh,ya, the Trawna Make-Beliefs, big-time football team...heard o'them...they blew jays or sommit...

Guess Who

Post 33


Merry Christmas! Got the new Guess Who CD's. They are the best CD I own. The recording was live but you would sware it was done in a studio.

Guess Who

Post 34

Barney's Bucksaws

Lucky you! I sure do want that CD! Back in Balmertown again - its snowing, but not as cold as Manitoba - no wind-chill! It was good to be home for Christmas, but I wasn't warm all the time I was there.


Post 35


My nickname for Winnipeg is " Winterpeg Manisnowba" . I have lived here now for 21 years and love it here. I am originally from Alberta Canada

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