The h2g2 Post 20.11.08

2 Conversations

Posted: 20th November 2008



A Little SAD

A couple of issues ago I wrote a few flippant lines about my occasional bouts of winter depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder. It's a very odd thing for me to talk about; outside, the sun is shining and it's the sort of autumn day that I should be outside enjoying. Instead, I'm moping around the flat, drinking endless cups of tea, flaking out on the sofa in front of crap TV and trying to get enough energy together to take a shower. I hate it; anyone who knows me will tell you I'm generally incredibly energetic and vivante, and at the moment all that has been drained out of me.

Lainey found out the other day that she has a little holiday to use up, so it seemed a good idea for me to take some as well. Turns out I have some I can take and, not only that, but a quick scour of the Internet's Latest Bargains revealed that we could take a half-board week in Spain for just £100 each! Ok, so it's not much warmer than here and the days are almost as short, but I'd be able to relax and enjoy myself for a week without breaking the bank.

Unfortunately, life isn't that simple. We've got a concert to go to (which we could cancel) and Lainey has a college day (which she could miss) but, more importantly, Lainey has a training day that her work are sending her on. It's going to be incredibly useful for her fledgling accountancy career and comes right in the middle of the one week we can take off. Having a weekend away in the UK at this time of year doesn't have quite the same appeal, nor the same potential for adventure and mishaps1, and it looks like that's our only option at the moment.

Isn't it funny that you only realise how much you need a holiday when you start planning one? All of a sudden, our annual late-January holiday feels like a lifetime away.

So I'm going to need you lot to cheer me up instead. This issue is pretty damn good, sure, but the next one is our ninth birthday, and we want to make it a really special issue. It would be fantastic if all our regular and occasional writers, poets, artists and storytellers could come up with something to help us celebrate in style. We've already got a few ideas that we're working on, and I think the next issue is going to be one of our best ever.

If you're feeling festive, though, why not submit something to our Christmas competitions, which we're proud to launch today? We have the usual Poetry, Vogon Poetry and Prose categories, and the Christmas issue on 18th December will given over solely to festive pieces.

Lots for you to think about, then. Finally, congratulations to dmitrigheorgheni, who has been awarded his Post Reporter badge for his sterling work on Anarchy Gordon. I'm off to mope for a few more days on the sofa in front of Sky Sports News; we'll see you in the next issue, deadline 30th November!

















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1I once spent a week telling Navarrans that I was feeling horny, when in fact I was merely hot.

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