A Conversation for Limericks

New game anyone?

Post 13501

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

And now his head is a blank slate.


Kate's scalp was really red raw

New game anyone?

Post 13502


1) Kate's scalp was really red raw
2) With blood running down to her jaw


New game anyone?

Post 13503

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

1) Kate's scalp was really red raw
2) With blood running down to her jaw
3) She continues to scratch

New game anyone?

Post 13504

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Away at her thatch

New game anyone?

Post 13505


Saying "ain't playing Rugby no more".

Kate wouldn't take part in the scrum (1)

New game anyone?

Post 13506


Kate wouldn't take part in the scrum (1)
As she thought all the players were scum (2)


New game anyone?

Post 13507

Narla C

thought his cough was a symptom of flu

New game anyone?

Post 13508


Hello Narla C, welcome to the game!

You seem to have replied to post 20, rather than post 13,506. The current limerick is:
Kate wouldn't take part in the scrum (1)
As she thought all the players were scum (2)

While you seem to have answered a much earlier limerick.
There was a young man from Peru (1)
Thought his cough was a symptom of flu (2)

(I suggest that in this instance we continue both limericks for now, and then go back to normal when we get to the 5th posts)


New game anyone?

Post 13509

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Kate wouldn't take part in the scrum (1)
As she thought all the players were scum (2)
Playing with a ball that was odd (3)

While you seem to have answered a much earlier limerick.
There was a young man from Peru (1)
Thought his cough was a symptom of flu (2)
So he went to his Doctor (3)

New game anyone?

Post 13510


Kate wouldn't take part in the scrum (1)
As she thought all the players were scum (2)
Playing with a ball that was odd (3)
Made her go off on her tod (4)

There was a young man from Peru (1)
Thought his cough was a symptom of flu (2)
So he went to his Doctor (3)
Travelling by helicopter (4)

(Back to 1 limerick after next post)


New game anyone?

Post 13511

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Kate wouldn't take part in the scrum (1)
As she thought all the players were scum (2)
Playing with a ball that was odd (3)
Made her go off on her tod (4)
And moan about Men to her Mum

There was a young man from Peru (1)
Thought his cough was a symptom of flu (2)
So he went to his Doctor (3)
Travelling by helicopter (4)
Who expertly played a kazoo

(Back to 1 limerick after next post)

Revolution as a show is quite daft

New game anyone?

Post 13512


Revolution as a show is quite daft (1)
I'd rather be trapped in a mine shaft (2)


New game anyone?

Post 13513

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Sniffing my big toes

New game anyone?

Post 13514


Revolution as a show is quite daft (1)
I'd rather be trapped in a mine shaft (2)
Sniffing my big toes (3)
While enjoying a doze (4)


New game anyone?

Post 13515

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

and playing a game of minecraft..

Elephants Noses are quite long

New game anyone?

Post 13516


Elephants Noses are quite long (1)
Their tissues are both soft and strong (2)


New game anyone?

Post 13517

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Elephants Noses are quite long (1)
Their tissues are both soft and strong (2)
As they wander around(3)

New game anyone?

Post 13518


Elephants Noses are quite long (1)
Their tissues are both soft and strong (2)
As they wander around(3)
A sneeze shakes the ground (4)


New game anyone?

Post 13519

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Elephants Noses are quite long (1)
Their tissues are both soft and strong (2)
As they wander around(3)
A sneeze shakes the ground (4)
And they sing their favourite song(5)

I once knew a man called Tom Bombadill(1)

New game anyone?

Post 13520

Universal Granny

Whose hobby was searching for roadkill

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