A Conversation for Ask h2g2

A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 1

Mu Beta

Er...can anyone think of a method to painlessly remove blu-tak which has become entangled in the hair in one's naval? smiley - blush


A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 2


Doesn't a bit of ethanol remove Blu-tac quite nicely.

A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 3



A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyes Hmm, No, I'm not even going to ask how it got there smiley - whistle

A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 5


Do I want to ask? smiley - erm

Probably best to leave the question unsaid, I think.


A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 6

A Super Furry Animal

What were you blu-tak-ing to your navel?

A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 7

A Super Furry Animal

Well, *someone* had to ask! smiley - doh

A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 8


And there goes the question!


A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 9


Far too much simulposting going on in this thread....


A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 10

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Whatever sexual pervisions led to a piece of blue tac being required, I don't think I want to know smiley - whistle

A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 11


Perhaps we can expect some poetry from this?

Ode to a small lump of Blu putty I found in my navel one midwinter morning?

(or should it be Odo to a small lump of...?) smiley - winkeye

A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 12

Mu Beta

Look, it was quite simple. I was playing with a ball of Blu-tak, as you do, rolling it between my finger and thumb and so on, and it occurred to me to investigate how far I could push it into my bellybutton. The rest is history.

"Doesn't a bit of ethanol remove Blu-tac quite nicely."

To which orifice do I apply it?


A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 13

A Super Furry Animal

>>it occurred to me to investigate how far I could push it into my bellybutton <<

Stop listening to the voices, B. Time to up the medication.

A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 14



Why should I intervene Mater B when you have plenty of imagination on your own? smiley - biggrin

A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 15


well isn;t the usual thing the same as with chewing gum? Ie you freeze it?

Mind you, from my childhood I remember that blu-tack is extremely flammable and what burns is the oil in it, leaving just a light blue chalky powdery solid.

So, either shut yourself in the freezer or apply a ciggarette lighter to said blu-tack. Either method will work.

A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 16

Mu Beta

Both of which are somewhat more painful than actually pulling out my own belly-button hair.

As regards ethanol, the only thing I have in close supply is about a third of a bottle of Gordon's. And I didn't particularly want to waste perfectly good gin on my belly button.


A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 17

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

... Or get a pair of nails sissors and cut the hair- it's not like you *need* a hairy belly button.

smiley - ale

A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 18

Mu Beta

There's not a lot of free hair to play with. It's enmeshed into a big sort of hairy-blu-tak-ball. smiley - erm


A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 19

A Super Furry Animal

If you save the gin you can have a nice refreshing gin-&-blu-tak afterwards.

A Somewhat Embarrassing Question

Post 20


how about "stop being such a big wuss and rip the hairs out by the root?"

Either that or stop being so negative! You now have a useful mobile storage area for pens, pins, and other odds and so on. indeed, you could use it to attache notices to yourself and hire the space out for advertising.

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