On This Day In History

1 Conversation

Never one to let a good idea go to waste1, I would like to reintroduce to
h2g2 'On This Day In
, slightly tweaked into a new,
shiny format. The lovely Italix had the presence of
mind to drop a number of pages where people could
leave their fun-filled facts. Why not pop over and
drop a suggestion. It may well find its way onto the

26th June

  • 1097

    The armies of the First Crusade (1096-99) occupied the
    ancient Byzantine city of Nicea. Nicea was essential
    in the plan of the Crusaders, as it was the key to
    access the main land route through Asia Minor to
    Syria. The city came under siege on the 21st May 1097
    and fell just over a month later. It was the first
    major victory of the Crusades.

  • 1824

    Birth date of William Thomson, Lord Kelvin. The British
    scientist of temperature fame, amongst a number of
    other achievements, was born in Belfast, Ireland.


  • 1960

    British Somaliland (now Somalia) gains independence
    from Britain and Madagascar gains independence from

  • 1963

    John F Kennedy visits West Berlin and makes the fine
    Ich bin ein Berliner speech. Despite the
    trouble with the jam doughnut, a number of sources
    feel that what he said was accurate and meant I am
    a citizen of Berlin

  • 1974

    Liz Taylor divorces Richard Burton for the first time,
    her fifth divorce. They remarried in 1975 and divorced
    again in 1976.

27th June

  • 1693

    The first woman's magazine is published The Ladies'
    by John Dunton in London. It promised to
    answer 'all the most nice and curious questions
    concerning love, marriage, behaviour, dress, and
    humour of the female sex, whether virgins, wives, or

  • 1880

    Birth date of Helen Keller. Although blind and deaf,
    Keller graduated from Radcliffe College with honours,
    becoming an author and educator. She was made famous
    to this generation by the film The Miracle

    Jimi X

  • 1960

    RB Woodward manages to synthesise the molecule
    Chlorophyll "A" at Cambridge, using man-made materials

  • 1985

    23-year-old Anne White creates a storm at Wimbledon by
    wearing a white, all-body Lycra unitard.

Researchers Born On This Day

28th June

  • 1491

    Birth date of Henry VIII of England (1509-47). Second
    son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. Henry's reign
    is most known for his six marriages. He married
    Katherine of Aragon in 1509 (divorced), Anne Boleyn in
    1533 (executed), Jane Seymour in 1536 (died after
    childbirth), Anne of Cleves in 1540 (divorced), Catherine
    Howard in 1540 (executed) and Katherine Parr in 1543

  • 1820

    North Americans believed that tomatoes were poisonous
    until this day, when Colonel Robert Gibbon Johnson
    disproved that myth during a public demonstration on
    the courthouse steps in Salem, NJ. After the poison
    myth was dispelled, the French came to believe that
    the tomato was an aphrodisiac.

  • 1969

    The Stonewall riots began after police raided a New
    York gay bar. They continued until July 1st and are
    regarded as the beginning of the gay, lesbian and
    bisexual rights movement. The surprisingly
    establishment UK lobbying group Stonewall takes its
    name from the riots.

    Alex Wilcock

Researchers Born On This Day

29th June

  • 1613

    The Shakespearean Globe Theatre burns down
    accidentally during a performance of Henry VIII. The
    playhouse is rebuilt immediately on the original
    foundations. Second time round, the roof is tiled
    rather than thatched. During the rebuilding,
    Shakespeare retires to Stratford-upon-Avon.

  • 1916

    William E Boeing test-flies his first built aeroplane,
    the 'B&W' trainer.

  • 1964

    First draft of Star Trek's pilot "The Cage" released.
    Although not initially aired, the pilot must have done
    well as they are still making episodes of spin-offs!

Researchers Born On This Day

30th June

  • 1934

    The Night of the Long Knives. The SA leadership and
    others who had angered Hitler were purged from Nazi
    Germany by the SS, led by Himmler. This not only
    removed the rival agency, it also made the army swear
    allegiance to Hitler. It was a way of overcoming the
    fact that Hitler was 'only' a Corporal to many of the
    army hierarchy.

    Mr. Legion

  • 1982

    An extra leap second was added to the end of the day
    to bring the clock into alignment with solar time. It
    was the eleventh adjustment since 1972.

  • 1997

    After one hundred years, Hong Kong was handed back to
    China by Great Britain. The original treaty was signed
    on June 11 1898, for Hong Kong's New Territories.

    Alex Wilcock

Researchers Born On This Day

1st July

  • 1934

    The Hays Code was enforced, marking the beginning of
    serious censorship of US cinema. The code set a
    standard that all major motion pictures would follow
    for 20 years.
    Alex Wilcock

  • 1945

    Birth date of punk/pop superstar Deborah Harry who was
    born in Florida. She went onto major success with the
    band Blondie.
    Alex Wilcock

  • 1967

    BBC2 began the first regular UK colour TV
    transmissions. It took until 1969 before BBC1 and ITV
    began broadcasting in colour.
    Alex Wilcock

  • 1990

    German Democratic Republic accepts the Deutsche Mark
    as its currency.

Researchers Born On This Day

2nd July

  • 1566

    Death of Nostradamus. The French astrologer, physician
    and prophet died in Salon after visiting King Charles
    IX. And yes, he did prophesise his own death.

  • 1752

    The first Bible in America printed in English was
    published in Boston.

  • 1985

    European Space Agency launches Giotto to Halley's
    Comet. One of the prime goals of the mission was to
    detect and observe the nucleus of the comet.

Researchers Born On This Day

On This Day
in History Archive

Fashion Cat

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at least not to mind too much after being told that I
am merely resurrecting a fabulous idea that Abi and Peta had over three
years ago!
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at least not to mind too much after being told that I
am merely resurrecting a fabulous idea that Abi and Peta had over three
years ago!

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