This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 261

Ivan the Terribly Average

There are 10 minutes left of my last w*rkday before the move. No, make that 9 minutes. I'm off to the pub just as soon as 9 minutes turns into 0 minutes.

The removalists are confirmed as booked for 30 January, but there is still some quibbling about packing-boxes to deal with. But that can wait. There's only 8 minutes between me and the illusion of freedom...

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 262


Hope you're sleeping off a night of drunken laughter, and may you wake up refreshed and hangoverless.smiley - wizard

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 263

Ivan the Terribly Average

Nope, I'm afraid my head hurts, but it was worth it. smiley - zen

Today I intend to do nothing at all. Tomorrow the serious culling and packing will start. Probably.

20/1/06 On having the rug pulled out from under one. At 21:33 Great Britain Time.

Post 264


Sorry to hear your sad and terrable
news ivan, i'm also renting from a private landlord I once had lease for six month's but now changed for deff untill I want to leave, not when the landlord want's to move me out, it's very differant over here in England they can't just take you from your home they need court papers. Hope you find somewhere nice soon with a garden maybe smiley - smiley
smiley - hug
smiley - stiffdrink

20/1/06 On having the rug pulled out from under one. At 21:33 Great Britain Time.

Post 265


People keep saying it's better for tenants in Britain, but in practice it's not like that at all. Who are these landlords who can be pushed around like this? I haven't met any. Nearly every house I've rented, I've been booted out on a month's notice. Surely, if you don't go when they tell you to, they'll keep your deposit. I'm the only person I know who has managed to have my deposit returned on every move. I've known tenants have all their belongings chucked onto the lawn, and the locks changed while they were out. They couldn't afford the time, stress, or money to go to court about it.

smiley - huh

20/1/06 On having the rug pulled out from under one. At 21:33 Great Britain Time.

Post 266

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

A British landlord's trick that I've fallen victim to is signing a six month lease and then, after six months, 'forgetting' to arrange a longer contract whilst you carry on living there. It means you haven't a leg to stand on when they decide they don't want you there anymore.

Ivan - blimey, it's all go for you! Make the most of it mate. Dust yourself down, take stock, don't fall back into any ruts, use the momentum to do things that apathy has prevented.smiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - ale

20/1/06 On having the rug pulled out from under one. At 21:33 Great Britain Time.

Post 267

teri_whoo_77 *Goddess of Whoo* American Ambassador to the Council of Thing (Slightly Odd, Mostly Mellow, Rather Risque)

Ivan - 2 notes about moving....

Pack the heavy stuff on the bottom and the light stuff on top....smiley - winkeye

Pay someone else to pack for you if you can.smiley - biggrin

BTW - I worked for a moving company for several years starting as a packer and working my way up to dir of training. If you fly me over there, I will pack your house for you.smiley - cheers

20/1/06 On having the rug pulled out from under one. At 21:33 Great Britain Time.

Post 268


Also on packing:

You will always end up packing a container with contents which are just too heavy for you to carry comfortably. Pack yourself, but find someone stronger than you to lift your stuff.

20/1/06 On having the rug pulled out from under one. At 21:33 Great Britain Time.

Post 269

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

terri whoo writes>:BTW - I worked for a moving company for several years starting as a packer and working my way up to dir of training. If you fly me over there, I will pack your house for you

this sounds like a very good ideasmiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 270

Ivan the Terribly Average

Yes, it does sound like a good idea. Pity I can't pay for the flight... smiley - nahnah Nor can I pay for someone else to do the packing on this occasion, which is a nuisance.

I get the keys tomorrow - then it'll become real, and I'll get a renewed sense of urgency. For now, though, it's the weekend and I intend to fill it with my usual weekend activities - apathy, indolence, and hanging around interesting food shops thinking about az getting envious. smiley - winkeye

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 271


>>apathy, indolence, and hanging around interesting food shops thinking about az getting envious<<

Now that's the proper way to waste your time. Glad to hear everything sorted itself out

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 272

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Post 266 was written under the inluence of alchohol and 'interesting fungus'. Sorry for the rant!

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 273

Ivan the Terribly Average

It didn't look all that ranty - though it did look a bit '11pm at the pub on a Friday'. smiley - biggrin

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 274

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Didn't go to the pub - it was more down to the unusual mushroom chocolate,smiley - whistle and bearing that in mind it was surprisingly legible.smiley - biggrin You should have seen what I was going to post in the 'Cannabis' thread. I saved it in note pad when I couldn't focus anymore and, upon reading it this morning, realised that it was just as well it went no further.smiley - biggrin

Things seem to be moving along for yousmiley - cool. You've had a lot to go through in a short ime, but that can be for the best - get it all over at once.

Sorry, smiley - drunkagain (sans fungus).

One NIL, one NIL, one NIL, one NIIIIIIIIL.smiley - biggrin But we're still going down.smiley - grr

Possibly a tad off topic.

Roymondo, go get a beer and leave this poor thread alone for while. Go on. Chill out, relax, have a bit of a sit down. Oh, you *are* sitting down. Try sitting down over *there* instead. Yes, that's right, away from the laptop. No, you CAN'T take it with you. Look, Dave (sorry, Roymondo. ahem), you're drunk. Go sober up. Have some coffee and a Spangle. OK, maybe not a Spangle. Bacon sandwich. Yes, you can put mayo on it. No, there is no innuendo in 'bacon sanwich', even *with* mayo.)

Argh! No bacon!!!!!!!!!!

smiley - ermsmiley - drunksmiley - biggrinsmiley - somersault

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 275


Spangle sandwich with mayo; it's the only answer. Cures all known ailments. If Hitler had been weaned onto these he would have turned out such a nice boy, i blame the parents meself.


On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 276



smiley - envy


On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 277

Ivan the Terribly Average

What are Spangles, in this context? smiley - huh

Az, I didn't get any interesting Ethiopian delicacies today; they were late in setting up and I had a bus to catch. I had to settle for Laotian instead. smiley - cool

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 278


Where's the smiley when you need it? smiley - cross


On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 279

Ivan the Terribly Average

smiley - nahnah

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 280


Here be Spangles & lots of other nostalgic sweeties.(scroll down)

Odd how we all gobbled down loads of junky sweet stuff, but nobody ever seemed too worried about obesity, hyper activity etc. We did get "Yer teef will drop out" stuff, but that was about it. Still got most of mine 50 yrs on, though they are in pretty bad nick it must be said.

What do Laots eat then? I imagine Ethiopan = mainly goat & cassava type stuff?


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