This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 241

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

Yes. It be very good, in cases where you need to talk to someone who lives 10,932km away and can't be online very often... smiley - loveblush I got a Skype-In number in Seattle, which makes it cheaper for both of us.

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 242

Ivan the Terribly Average

One of these days I'll do something about Skype... *sigh* Maybe later this year, when things are a bit more placid.

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 243

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Oh good I can worry about you less now *relaxes* smiley - hug

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 244

Ivan the Terribly Average

But you will still worry to some extent? smiley - silly

Thanks. smiley - smooch

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 245

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Course I will smiley - smiley If I didnt worry I'd have nothing to do !

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 246

Ivan the Terribly Average

So I have my uses, then. I'll have to tell my boss. smiley - smiley Then I'll go on to enquire whether he serves any purpose...

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 247


Ivan, smiley - applause on both counts, Lease and smoking. Is it really that long Ivan? That's brilliant, but where's the time gone?

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - cheers and smiley - goodluck with your new start. I am sure a new, brilliant job will follow.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 248

Ivan the Terribly Average

Yes, it really is that long. smiley - wow It gets easier and easier too.

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 249

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

smiley - applause & smiley - envy I really do have to convince myself that I want to stop.

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 250

Ivan the Terribly Average

Might I suggest a bout of pneumonia and a visit to the emergency ward? It worked for me. smiley - zen

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 251

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

That would probably do the trick. When my rolling sick-leave has rolled far enough to get last January's 10 day 'flu put of the way I'll consider it!

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 252

psychocandy-moderation team leader

It was a really nasty case of bronchitis that got me to quit the ciggies. Fantastic job, Ivan! smiley - hug

Skype sounds great, but unfortunately there isn't a version available for Windows 98. Unless I upgrade my OS in the near future (which may well be a possibility!), I'm going to have to remain Skypeless for a while longer yet.

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 253

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

You *really* have to get Skyped up! I's great!

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 254

psychocandy-moderation team leader

>I's great!<

Of course you are; you're fabulous!

But what do you think of Skype?

smiley - winkeye

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 255


Awhile ago I had a five-way conversation on Skype (me, Mudhooks, MoG, zoomer and six7s) that was a lot of fun. I use it quite a lot now - amazing talking to people as far away as the US, Canada and New Zealand and totally free. smiley - cool


On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 256

Ivan the Terribly Average

I like the 'totally free' aspect... That's one of the main reasons I'll get myself set up with Skype eventually. I could save a fortune on calls to the family, for a start.

The removalists' paperwork turned up here today. It's all a bit convoluted; I'll have to call them tomorrow and sort things out. But at least they've confirmed 30 January as the date of the move.

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 257

Rudest Elf

You're making it look easy, Ivan. Congratulations smiley - bubbly
[Guess you've got them charmed 'on the outside' too smiley - cool]

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 258

Rudest Elf

smiley - boing....if you don't mind me saying so.

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 259


Well done sorting the house out, Ivan. smiley - smiley

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 260

Ivan the Terribly Average

Thanks. smiley - smiley

This is my last day in the dreaded office before The Move. I need to call the removalists, query the paperwork, send them a fax, post them the 'official' acceptance of the quote, and arrange for delivery of dozens of empty boxes when I'm here to accept them.

I also need to change my address details with the payroll people, and clear my desk as we'll all be moving further down the floor in my absence.

I also need to type up a change-of-address note and print off a few copies while I have access to a printer.

There's also the small matter of the actual w*rk that I need to get through.

And I promised someone that I'd take her a half-dozen of those pestilential lavender seedlings... smiley - run

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