This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 301

Ivan the Terribly Average

I've packed one box. I need a rest.

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 302


smiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - redwine?

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 303

Ivan the Terribly Average

All of the above, thanks. I've had quite enough packing for one evening. smiley - yawn

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 304


Had a senior moment on your other thread. I had forgotten you are off work to pack and move. Trust the smiley - choc helped, and here's a smiley - cheerssmiley - ale to go with it.

HOpe you get your boxes packed smiley - ok At least it will take your mind off other things. smiley - hug

Websailorsmiley - dragon

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 305


Don't let the buggers near your computer, make sure the connection is all sorted at the other end so the first thing you do on arrival is plug in & send many emails with your new address.

Take martini & decent glass in hand baggage too. Get fridge switched on in advance for the ice.

The rest will sort itself out, possibly even by the time you move to the next place.smiley - evilgrin


On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 306

Ivan the Terribly Average

The computer's a laptop, and I'll be setting up dial-up access just as soon as I'm sure the phone line itself is operational. I might be offline for a day or so.

The fridge will have to be installed and plugged in before I can start to make ice... I guess I'll have to rack off to the pub instead.

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 307

Ivan the Terribly Average

Just for the slightly alarming record - I've packed 20 boxes of books, and I have another 30 feet of shelves to clear. That's on top of the 4 dozen volumes I've already taken to the new place... It probably was time to move to a bigger house, looking at that lot.

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 308

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

you planning on opening a libray or second hand book shop in the future Ivan?

smiley - winkeye

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 309

Ivan the Terribly Average

It's an option worth considering for my retirement...

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 310


>>you planning on opening a libray or second hand book shop in the future Ivan?<<

You could call it 'Ivan awful lot of books'

I'll get me coat

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 311

psychocandy-moderation team leader

That was a good one! smiley - laugh

I like it very much!

Hope the move progresses smoothly, and you get some ice made on a timely basis. smiley - goodluck

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 312


'Ivan awful lot of books'

smiley - rofl

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 313


smiley - rofl

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 314


'Tis destiny my friend, quite clearly "Ivan awful lot of books" is going to happen, sooner rather than later!smiley - rofl

Do you arrange them in any particular way, alphabetical, subject matter, colour, size , date of publishing? Or just throw them higledy-piggledy onto the poor long suffering shelves?

I always find packing my books takes forever 'cos i haul one out & start reading....


On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 315


smiley - somersaultsmiley - rofl

According to my other half IVAN AWFUL lot of books too, but not as many as you. He keeps telling me to get rid of them, but every time I pass on a few to charity shops or whatever, I come back with more.smiley - blushsmiley - evilgrin

Quite apart from the fact that I love reading, I just love the *feel* of books.

smiley - goodluck with the rest of the move.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 316

Ivan the Terribly Average

Books are essential items, I think - and I agree that the feel of them is part of the attraction. When people say things about e-books or reading books online, I'm tempted to phone for the exorcist.

I keep the shelves organised in a manner that makes sense to me but probably to nobody else. There's the initial fiction/nonfiction divide, with fiction split into classic, literary, detective, and just plain silly (S Milligan and co). Nonfiction is grouped into history (roughly chronological), biography, travel and other minor categories like cookery, science, and, um, embalming and forensics. Then it all gets untidy because I try to make the shelves aesthetically tolerable too...

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 317

Ivan the Terribly Average

Oh, Iago...

smiley - tomato

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 318

Ivan the Terribly Average

Total number of book-boxes: 25.

Time for a break, while I psych myself up to tackle the kitchen.

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 319

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Crivvens, it'll take you six months to unpack!

On having the rug pulled out from under one.

Post 320

Researcher 564517

Hello ivan can I ask one question WHY are you ignoring me?

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