This is a Journal entry by bobstafford
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Where have you lived
bobstafford Started conversation Mar 14, 2017
It occurred to me that there are people here who live or have have lived and worked in some interesting places world wide.
Perhaps it would be interesting to find out how far some hootooers have roamed especially if they have owned or rented a home in far away places.
Even if you have moved around living in various places in just one country, the comparisons and stories would make very interesting reading.
It could result in an excellent entry.
Where have you lived
Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) Posted Mar 14, 2017
I have lived and worked in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, 3 locations within Ontario, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. I've also had cause to work some extended times in the US, Quebec and Nunavut. While much of this is all still within Canada - if you look at the sheer size and distances involved, such travels would have covered quite a lot more than the UK and Europe . . .
Where have you lived
Smudger879n Posted May 16, 2017
I have lived and worked in Russia, Turkey and Egypt, as well,as an oil rig out in the Caspian Sea.
Neither of them were ideal places to be?
I also lived in a flat in Aberdeen when I was working there, that's a cold cold place in the winter
Where have you lived
bobstafford Posted May 19, 2017
I have lived and worked in Spain, Turkey and France, plus a short spell in Switzerland. It has all been very enjoyable and it has been very interesting.
Where have you lived
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted May 21, 2017
Where have you lived
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted May 22, 2017
London A87879857
Manchester A87879866
Edinburgh A87879875
All with a 3D version of myself, for a change
Where have you lived
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted May 25, 2017
Where have you lived
Florida Sailor All is well with the world Posted Jun 30, 2017
Hi bob
Just to give a reply to the opening post, I have never lived in far away exotic places.
I was born and lived most of my young life in Western New York (for the snobs in NYC - that is NOT upstate).
Back when Jack Kennedy was still President my Father decided we should move to Florida after driving the width of the state in a snow blizzard. From that time to this I have always lived near the Tampa Bay are of west Florida.
This is not to say I have not lived in some interesting places here. As a teen I lived in a comfortable suburban house, with a bus to school. For a couple of years I had an apartment on the water (one of the smaller bays). After that I purchased a sailboat to live aboard. It was while living in her I married my wife. After about ten years of living on the boat we decided to buy a house in the city.
After almost 20 years of living there, the company I work for decided to move further north, changing my commute time from 45 minutes to over 70 minutes each way.
At that time we moved into an over 55 trailer park (they prefer we call it 'Manufactured Home Community) about 3 1/2 years ago. Most of the residents are retired (I am not) and almost half are seasonal, coming south for only the winter months. Our main entrance displays both the US and Canadian flags to recognize the nationally of most of the residents.
A few months ago my wife decided that he wanted a bigger mobile home, so we are in the process of fixing them both up and transferring our stuff bit by bit.
I have written about some of this in .
I don't know if this is what you had in mind, but I thought I would share.
Where have you lived
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Jul 1, 2017
Bob--Well, if I were a balloon, I'd be getting kind of soft, but not noticeably smaller without measuring...
Where have you lived
bobstafford Posted Jul 1, 2017
Thanks FS it is a small attempt to try and bring the community together and keep growing.
Your reply is just the thing I was hoping for
Where have you lived
bobstafford Posted Jul 12, 2017
Amy that was an interesting comment
"soft, but not noticeably smaller" it sounds like you are getting lots of hugs
Where have you lived
bobstafford Posted Jul 12, 2017
How about opening this up a little and add interesting jobs or interesting days at work.
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Where have you lived
- 1: bobstafford (Mar 14, 2017)
- 2: bobstafford (Mar 14, 2017)
- 3: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (Mar 14, 2017)
- 4: Smudger879n (May 16, 2017)
- 5: Bluebottle (May 17, 2017)
- 6: Icy North (May 17, 2017)
- 7: bobstafford (May 19, 2017)
- 8: Icy North (May 20, 2017)
- 9: bobstafford (May 20, 2017)
- 10: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (May 21, 2017)
- 11: bobstafford (May 21, 2017)
- 12: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (May 22, 2017)
- 13: Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly) (May 25, 2017)
- 14: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (May 25, 2017)
- 15: bobstafford (Jun 30, 2017)
- 16: Florida Sailor All is well with the world (Jun 30, 2017)
- 17: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (Jul 1, 2017)
- 18: bobstafford (Jul 1, 2017)
- 19: bobstafford (Jul 12, 2017)
- 20: bobstafford (Jul 12, 2017)
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