This is a Journal entry by Vicki Virago - Proud Mother
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Vicki Virago names her baby
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Sep 27, 2013
Vicki Virago names her baby
Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA! Posted Sep 27, 2013
Vicki Virago names her baby
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Sep 27, 2013
I reckon Amber and Jade would both have been precious!
April May, But June won't.
Cute names.
Vicki Virago names her baby
Websailor Posted Sep 27, 2013
It's always worth putting all the initials together before deciding, there have been some very unfortunate combinations in the past.
Vicki Virago names her baby
bobstafford Posted Sep 27, 2013
Summer is nice and she managed to be named after Lil (in a nice sort of way) Lil and Summer seem to go together
Vicki Virago names her baby
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Sep 28, 2013
"our" Summer will grow up to be more beautiful
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Vicki Virago names her baby
- 21: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Sep 27, 2013)
- 22: Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA! (Sep 27, 2013)
- 23: MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. (Sep 27, 2013)
- 24: Websailor (Sep 27, 2013)
- 25: bobstafford (Sep 27, 2013)
- 26: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Sep 28, 2013)
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