This is a Journal entry by Kaz

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 141


Yeah, think I'd rather see just them. Though I'm sure Glastonbury's a great experience. Not something to go to alone, and then there's the cost and the mud and the slashed tents.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 142


Did you think Michael Eavis had gone a bit mad when he allegedly said all that stuff last year about wanting to get younger people coming back to Glasto? and complained that loads of old gits had turned up last time? Well, that was what I heard anyway. Surely Glasto's supposed to be for everyone? and what if you're a young person with retro taste anyway? Think getting Jay-z ths year is a bit crazy, if that was his idea of attracting younger people I'm not sure it will work.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 143


Yeah, thought it was fotr all, but still thought it was never short of younger people. Can't see too many people showing up on zimmer frames.

Definately heard lots of complaints about the headliner this year. though they said something about how it affected ticket sales in that they didn't sell out in the first day. Like one day!!!

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 144


That's crazy! What kind of puts me off about Glasto is that it is so huge, sure there are small stages, but I think it's still a different experience. Seeing Keane at the 02 really put me off big venues, indoor or out. I think it can be a bit overwhelming. Although I used to go to the football when I was a kid and never was too bothered about it. but then I guess the 02 is kinda huge.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 145


though at least with football, they use all the pitch so you've more chance to see stuff better. With a concert, you could end up so far away even the screeens seem small.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 146


yeah. Heard an interview where even Neil Finn says he likes the venues that are only a couple of thousand cos you still have the connection with the audience.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 147


Yeah, I've heard artists say things like that too. Must be a bit intimidating that you're faced with thousands of people.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 148


mm. It would terrify me. I was speaking to a singer at a gig last night in a local pub and I was saying I don't know how they have the guts to get up and sing even to a pub full of people, let alone thousands!

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 149


I know!! I hate it if I think anyone can hear me! Though maybe in a way a larger crowd is better coz then you don't seen their faces. And I'm sure the stage lights help hide them.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 150


I guess playing the guitar is good cos you can kind of hide behind it

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 151


Yeah, unless you do a solo.....Brian May's so good at that.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 152


hmm, yeah. I like Brian, he rules.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 153


In a league of his own, isn't he?

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 154


yeah. Too flamboyant to be compared to Eric Clapton or David Gilmour, and his acoustic playing's just cool

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 155


Yeah. You wouldn't get Clapton on the roof of Buckingham Palace!!

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