This is a Journal entry by Kaz

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 61


ah. yes. It helps if I check the other postings!

What did you think of the song anyway?

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 62


Listened to the preview so far on itunes. Quite relaxing. He seems to have quite a few songs too. Nice to see someone who foersn't just do a few albums and EPs with all the same stuf..

Other artists you type in seem to have loads of singles and EPs and albums so it gives you 8 versions of each song.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 63


yeah that's true. like original album versions, remasters, reissues and single versions, eps it all gets a bit crazy and you start thinking-what's the difference?

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 64


IO know! I've seen singles with 4 versions of the same song, like a dance version, radio version, instrumental etc..... crazy!

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 65


I downloaded hey ya! off itunes and there were about six different versions. I went for the radio edit in the end.

Ridiculously catchy song that. Was played a lot when I was at uni. I think one of the students in my class cut a short film to it. Worked well.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 66


Sounds good. Is very catchy. You get the radio edit that takes all the swear words out of the album version. Save a lot of hassle and just make it without the bad language!

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 67


yeah. Good point. I can't stand swearing in songs. A it's unnecessary and B It just sounds totally rubbish.

I should stop swearing so much. I'm terrible. Something to do with when i was at school I think.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 68


There are certain times you'll give people swearing, like when you've just nailed your hand to the bench or whatever, but in songs it's totally unnecessary. And it cuts you sales, surely.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 69


Yeah, surely? older people won't buy it because they don't like stuff like that. you'd think they'd figure that out wouldn't you?

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 70


Yeah. And radio stations won't play it coz of the lyrics, and kids won't be able to get it coz of censoring........

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 71


Yep. Here's a useless fact for you. Split Enz (the band that Neil Finn was in before Crowded House) did a song called six months in a leaky boat and it was banned by the BBC because it came out at the time of the falklands war and they thought it would be bad for morale (it was about the war I think) . Completely ridiculous. It scuppered their chance of being successful over here anyway (I think it was the follow up to I Got You).

Is that off topic or back on topic?

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 72


Think still on topic.

Seems hilarious the things they bann songs for. I've heard of songs in the 50s and 60s being banned coz they mention spitballs or something. If Eminem got sent back in time.....

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 73


yeah smiley - rofl

This is driving me mad, hopping between convos now- can we stay here for the mo?

Talking of split enz, just found this pic online of Neil back in the day.

smiley - bigeyes

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 74



Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 75


didn't mean to sound grumpy.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 76


No don't worry. Can get kinda confusing jumping about.

He's so skinny in that pic!! Needed to go to McDonalds a couple of times.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 77


smiley - rofl yeah he is skinny! It was the patterned shirt that made me giggle-though the outfits they wore later for some crowded house promos make it look quite good smiley - smiley

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 78


He looks quite intense though. Always has a habit of looking really serious in photos- even now, some of the ones on Time On Earth make him look like that. He should smile more. Mind you, some people always get self concious with photos I know I do-I always end up looking really odd in mine.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 79


I was also struck by how irish he looks. I think he does have some irish family connections, if I remember rightly, from what his brother Tim has said in interviews.
Mind you I suppose it's hardly surprising with a name like Finn. ??

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 80


Yeah, think Finn is quite an Irish name. Though so many people will have Irish roots after so many migrated out of here during the famine.

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