This is a Journal entry by Kaz

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 41


I know!!!!! it's so stupid. He must have a huge back catalogue and yet none of it's on there. Maybe it's something to do with the publishing rights of his american record label. Still slightly crazy though as most are worldwide now that the industry's so enormous.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 42


Must be something like that. I knoe the Beatrles stuff is only just been allowed to be used in ads and put onto itunes.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 43


Totally mental. A lot of these co's just seem devoid of common sense. They're so worried about piracy they seem to think straight. apart from the fact that it'd be good business sense to put the stuff on there as loads of people want access to it.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 44


Better go actually. See you later. Kaz. smiley - smiley

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 45


See ya! Was nice to be online together for once.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 46


Yeah. Sorry about that, I was off to a gig actually. Wilco Johnson band playing in my town. Totally crazy guy. great show though. He was with Dr. Feelgood, and then did a stint with the the blockheads apparently. I don't know much about Dr. Feelgood but the show was crazy. smiley - biggrin

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 47


haven't heard of him myself. The blockheads as in Ian Dury's people?

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 48


yeah those guys. he was really mad and was sort of running about the stage (while playing guitar! Quite a scary looking bloke but he played non stop the whole evening. I dunno about him, but I think we were all knackered by the end of it just watching him.
Think he's got a web site. Will try and put a link in as he does these guitar tutor videos and there's also one on his site of his guitar tech fixing his guitar (it looks in a state) with the jaws theme overdubbed, which is quite funny! He's very deadpan.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 49


Sounds tiring!! heard lots of people need a break for a bit to save their fingers and voice.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 50


Yeah. He must've been ehxausted. The drummer looked it after the encore. they did a really long version of Johnny B Goode-I felt so sorry for the poor guy having to keep up with the pace. drummers should get more respect.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 51


They must need strong arms!

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 52



Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 53


I don't think I could be a drummer. No co-ordination and I think I gave myself repetative strain in my right shoulder anyway.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 54



no it's funny, I don't think I could play drums now, but when I was about 11 I really wanted drum lessons at school but all the slots were taken so it never happened. Probably for the best- I would have been a terrible drummer. I never got the hang of that patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time!

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 55


Know the feeling. And I always felt stupid trying.

think I spent too long working on the tills in a local shop scanning big bags of chips and packing bags, and since have spent many hours chopping fliers for different things. So my shoulder can't stand to hold my arm up or out for long periods without getting really tired. bang goes my drumming career - no pun intended.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 56


Sounds nasty. Hurting your shoulder's not too good for guitar playing either, I'd imagine.
I've now downloaded Brian Houston's Childish Things off itunes. Was going to get some of his other stuff as well but having a listen, I figured I preferred hearing the songs live. some of the studio versions lose that extra something. Shame. He's playing a gig near me again soon maybe I should ask him if he plans to release an unplugged album?!

I dunno how much you like folky type music but if you stick Martin Simpson's name into itunes and find Kit's Tune/When A Knight Won His Spurs it's a really beautiful song. I was helping out at the theatre again the night he played locally (wasn't planning on going cos I wasn't sure it'd be my thing, but I went in to see a bit of the show), and he played this song. We used to have to sing it in assembly at primary school and I always liked the words and story.

I don't know if there's a decent clip of the song on his website, if the itunes one is a bit instrumental.
is the one I think

I must have really retro taste in music. It's quite embarrassing sometimes

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 57


Well I'll check it out.

Childish Things is fun. He seems to be one of the few people who can pull off singing with a N. Irish accent. It sounds terrible for so many others!

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 58


Though I forgot Feargal Sharkey off the Undertones. It suits him ok. Or is he from over the border?

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 59


I can't remember!

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 60


Oh well. was it here I posted the stuff about Martin Simpson? I can't remember.

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