This is a Journal entry by Kaz

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 121


yeah it was. Also, I learnt tons cos my tutor was a freelance video editor so he used to give us all these tips and tricks as well as the collegey type advice.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 122


Sounbds like you could create a lot for youtube or the BBC.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 123


I wish! If videos as hard to get into as journalism I don't stand a chance, but thanks for the encouragement!! smiley - ta I think it's just going to be a hobby from now on.

found another kind of *cute* video clip of youtube the other day of CH back in the day on ABC tv. Neil says something about not being able to play solos! Bless! I will have to find it for you.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 124


found it!

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 125


Didn't realise throw your arms was on it as well....!?

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 126


cheeky smiley - bleep changed the words as well! He has a bad sense of humour!!! smiley - biggrin

Sorry, I'm posting this while watching it.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 127


It's kind of strange watching Better Be Home Soon now that it has been played live as a tribute to Paul. I have an old video clip where Paul actually introduces it as being "for anyone that's....away" which was kind of sad. (Paul was the chap in the black shirt in the clip in case you didn't know)

Anyway. I still think Neil has a naughty sense of humour!!! him and Tim were awful for that when I saw them live a couple of years ago, but hilarious none the less!

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 128


Not sure if I've heard those songs before, but they sound great. Love the 80s outfits! Was it just me, or was the guitar strap held on with gaffer tape??

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 129


I dunno I'll have to have another look...

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 130


Just at the start of the video....looked a bit smiley - weird but kinda quirky.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 131


you're right, he's taped it up!

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 132


Found this from the Brighton gig. This was what I meant when I tried to explain that we were the guitar on Pineapple head!

I guess I was about a metre or so from Mark's feet at the time. It's funny, I don't remember it being like this.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 133


...and the cover of I'm Only Sleeping. I can't remember who did it first. for some reason I thought it was a Beatles song.

The person who taped this couldn't have been standing that far away from me, which is weird. I was probably more to the left and back a bit, but it's weird seeing it again.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 134


You can hear someone yell Recurring Dream after that song, after a bloke yells it too-I think the person yelling after him might be me! smiley - weird I do remember trying my best to get that one played- They opened the floor for requests but they did Lester (which I like too, but recurring dream is great).

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 135


Great songs!! Yeah, I'm Only Sleeping was a Beatles one first. They did it well.

mist be weird to watch someone's video of a gig and know you were practically beside them.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 136


it was a bit weird. Especially when I first found the videos because my memories were different and then little things that were said started coming back. I was trying to find if someone had videoed the version they did on the night of Weather With You, because Neil conducted us as we added to the accopaniment with some "woos"! You'll know what I mean if you think about that funny swanny whistle thing they've got going on at the end of the Weather With You studio version as it fades out. It was like an audience version of that! Good fun smiley - smiley

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 137


Sounds like fun!! Would be a good one for a live album.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 138


yeah it would! It's too bad Brighton was missed off the list of live recordings (I think some of the gigs on the tour were recorded I don't know why that one couldn't be).

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 139


I'd always thought when they were recording a tour, they'd either recird one gig and release it as "Live at Wembley" or whatever, or they'd record them all and edit all the best bits. To get all the bits where the audience are singing well or get rid of technical blips or streakers and all that.

Crowded House live at brighton Centre 7 December 2007

Post 140


Streakers??? smiley - rofl

I meant just the audio was recorded. I notice CH are playing Glasto this year. I can't go (and frankly I'm not that fussed-rather see CH at a small venue really) but at least it'll be on the telly. smiley - smiley Get the video out and record it for posterity I think smiley - biggrin

There are some clips on youtube of them at Hyde Park festival, but they're not great and the audience are pretty ropey too. That's the trouble if you go to a big gig where more than 1 act is headlining, cos you get some people that just want to see one band and talk over the others I guess.

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