This is a Journal entry by Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I don't know any exiled Brits around here - we've had Russians and Germans, and Caribbean islanders, and lost souls from California - but if they do show up, the local supermarket appears to be ready for them.

Elektra and I were doing something unusual this afternoon: browsing in the supermarket. That's because tomorrow is her birthday, and I wanted her to pick out some goodies she'd enjoy, like weird chocolate and fancy ice cream. While she was doing that, I was on the prowl for the possibility of gluten-free onion soup mix. This is the Holy Grail, because if we can find gluten-free onion soup mix, we can make dip for chips. I really can't spring for the $5-a-packet online stuff.

The fancy chocolate is in the aisle with the imported, 'ethnic' foodstuffs. There, sandwiched between the kosher foods and the Indian curry powders, was where I found it:

A tin of Spotted Dick. [WHAT?] Next to some tins of treacle. Treacle?

There it was: the mother lode of all foods to gladden the hearts of lost Englishmen. Yorkshire Gold tea. (At six bucks a packet, no thank you.) Packets of 'digestive biscuits'. Something called 'Jammy Dodgers', I think. Some cookies with a picture of a penguin on. Shepherd's Pie mix. HP sauce, in more than one flavour.

I don't know how you'd survive over here without HP sauce. Whatever that is.

I pointed all this out to Elektra, as soon as she'd picked out her Dove chocolates. She chuckled.

'Now we can tell Sean Bean to come for a visit,' was her comment.

smiley - dragon

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 2


Amazon has a gluten free onion soup mix that isn't bad. It comes in a 12 oz jar and makes 75 servings.

It doesn't taste like Lipton's, but it is okay. If you don't like ordering online, maybe your grocer could order it for you.

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 3

Icy North

Hey, don't I even get a link?


Your supermarket caters for my every need. I'm seriously impressed smiley - smiley

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 4


Now there is a shopkeeper who knows his British expats indeed. Penguin biscuits b'god. But what, no Marmite?

Have you not got digestive biscuits over there? I don't know whether to commiserate or congratulate. Did they have chocolate on?

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

No, no chocolate. We've got a fair amount of confections that look like those 'digestive biscuits', but they're not called that.

A lot of them are marketed to people with teething infants. smiley - whistle

smiley - ok Thanks, Icy. I knew I'd forgotten something. smiley - doh You're the HP expert.

And no Marmite, we noticed. We found that a serious omission.

(Thanks, Hypatia, we'll look into that onion soup mix.)

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 6

Icy North

It sounds like some sort of medicinal name, but 'digestive biscuits' are just simple, sweet, crumbly cookies which go very well with a cup of tea. Many people will dunk them, but it's not my personal preference. Try them (if they're not $6 a pack) - they're very pleasant.

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 7

Icy North

Oh, and if you try the spotted dick, make sure you get Bird's Custard to go with it.

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 8

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Oh, they had some kind of custard mix, too. smiley - biggrin

Unfortunately, I will be avoiding all of these products like the proverbial plague, as I do not wish to end up in hospital.

None of that was gluten-free. smiley - winkeye Well, possibly the treacle, but we've got molasses.

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 9

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

What! no black pudding ?smiley - wah some supermarketsmiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 10

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

can't stand bovril, but I like
smiley - smiley

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 11

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

We've got a discount supermarket that sometimes has Brit stuff in, but the type of store it is, if you don't grab something when it's there, it may never come back again. The best way to get something new to stay is to buy ridiculous amounts ridiculously quickly, so that they see it sells and order more--or hook an employee on said food, since it's employee-owned and runsmiley - winkeye Of course, the last time something new was in that I would've loved to do that strategy with was in, we were living in the trailer, so we had no storage whatsoever (we were lucky if we could go to the store only once or twice a week)smiley - wah

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 12

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Around here, if you buy it, they just get mad and don't stock it any more. smiley - whistle

I had a long and pointless conversation with one fella in that store about why they wouldn't buy any more GF chicken nuggets. Just because we liked them, I suspect.

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 13

Ramya Krishna Mulugu

I know! I liked welch's passion fruit juice, and an amazing ice cream called Alden's increased price. I swear, it's like shoving garlic at a vampiresmiley - laugh

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 14


You got Penguin bars? smiley - drool, and spotted dick and treacle?? smiley - drool

smiley - rofl. Can I spend my birthday with you guys please? smiley - rofl

Happy Birthday Elektra!!! smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 15


When Happy Nerd was over last year she tried some HP sauce and declared "It's just like A1 Sauce"

So there you go.

Jammy Dodgers are lovely biscuits. Yorkshire Gold is about £5 for 160 bags over here, so depending on the size of the box that's not too bad at all.

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 16

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh Finding those biscuits was a Doctor Who moment, I explained it to Elektra.

Aha. smiley - eurekaA1 sauce. Nasty stuff.

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 17


That's right, Pasty. I can't tell the difference between HP and A1. My local grocery store had PG Tips just long enough for me to decide I liked it. smiley - cross They have a few British imports, but the selection keeps changing.

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 18


I'm coming over in a few months, need to remember to pack lots of tea smiley - biggrin

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 19


I don't suppose you'll be anyplace close to Little DooDah, but if you are I'll gladly take some tea. smiley - winkeye

Brits in Exile Find Sustenance in North Carolina Supermarket

Post 20

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl This reminds me of a TV commercial that ran in Pittsburgh when I was in high school. You see, Pittsburghers were unusual, in that a lot of them drank what we call 'hot tea'. (Meaning: not iced tea.)

A popular brand was Red Rose Tea, which you could buy in Canada. When the Canadians started selling it in Pittsburgh, they made up commercials about Pittsburghers who were trying to smuggle Red Rose Tea over the border at Niagara Falls. Message: you don't have to, we've got you covered. smiley - winkeye

One commercial showed this lady wearing a sort of Spanish-style flat hat, with tassles all around. Only the tassles were teabags...smiley - whistle The customs guy was suspicious...

I had a sudden flash of Pastey disguising his tea as various accoutrements...smiley - run

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