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Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Dec 19, 2000
*didn't realise he was wearing a paper bag*
Thanks, DD. *removes bag* Ah, that's better. *passes his notepad to DD*
Now then.... oh, that's interesting. Hmmm. Yes, good point. Oh. Heh heh heh. Yes. Mmmmm. Really? I suppose so. Yes, very true. What's *that*?
Demon Drawer Posted Dec 19, 2000
Oh that!! Just something I saw in a wedding magazine recently. Do you think it might work for under the dress?
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Dec 20, 2000
*turns notepad upside down*
Oh, I see. Well, I'm not in a position to say, really. I suppose it should be okay as long as it's not too obvious during the ceremony.
Martin Harper Posted Dec 23, 2000
Is this a private thread, or can anyone wander in and make rude comments?
I'm still concerned about the PVC underwear though... isn't it a bit, well, non-breathable?
The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects Posted Dec 23, 2000
I don't think PVC underwear was ever intended to stay on that long anyway.
Demon Drawer Posted Dec 25, 2000
Well knowing the four of us involved in this thread little is going to shock us or offend, so please feel freee and let us know all you deepest srakest underwear secrets while you are at it.
Fashion Cat Posted Jan 12, 2001
ok. My name is FC, I've been here for a while now. I got a very nice christmassy Snoopy bra and knickers for Christmas!
Fashion Cat Posted Jan 12, 2001
I'm actually wearing the bra atm, but thats not really relevant is it... Along with the fact that I didnt get the option to wear it much over Christmas either!
Fashion Cat Posted Jan 12, 2001
Someone thought it looked far better in its bag than it did on me! Mind you, I didnt really complain too much!
Martin Harper Posted Jan 12, 2001
Dangerous sort of compliment that - never want to go comparing people to old bags....
The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects Posted Jan 13, 2001
Hehehehe. Actually, I have a pair of hboxers with ants on them.....
Lost in Scotland Posted Jan 16, 2001
Are we speaking underwear secrets again? Pretty much back on track from the original topic.
I have to say that I'm pretty fond of my boxers with a glo-in-the-dark teddybear on.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1561: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Dec 18, 2000)
- 1562: Demon Drawer (Dec 19, 2000)
- 1563: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Dec 19, 2000)
- 1564: Demon Drawer (Dec 19, 2000)
- 1565: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Dec 20, 2000)
- 1566: The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects (Dec 21, 2000)
- 1567: Martin Harper (Dec 23, 2000)
- 1568: The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects (Dec 23, 2000)
- 1569: Demon Drawer (Dec 25, 2000)
- 1570: The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects (Jan 12, 2001)
- 1571: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Jan 12, 2001)
- 1572: Fashion Cat (Jan 12, 2001)
- 1573: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Jan 12, 2001)
- 1574: Fashion Cat (Jan 12, 2001)
- 1575: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Jan 12, 2001)
- 1576: Fashion Cat (Jan 12, 2001)
- 1577: Demon Drawer (Jan 12, 2001)
- 1578: Martin Harper (Jan 12, 2001)
- 1579: The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects (Jan 13, 2001)
- 1580: Lost in Scotland (Jan 16, 2001)
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