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Bras and New Years
The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects Posted Jan 23, 2001
I heard about her on the Daily Show on Comedy Central and on one of HBO's Real Sex episodes...
Bras and New Years
The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects Posted Jan 23, 2001
Oh and then she deap-fries the particularly carved potato and eats it.
Bras and New Years
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Jan 23, 2001
Is this part of the act or does she just get a bit hungry?
Bras and New Years
Fashion Cat Posted Jan 23, 2001
hmmm... methinks someone may have appreciated her efforts though. Hardly a party trick you can perform in normal company though!
Bras and New Years
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Jan 23, 2001
I think the audience would get a bit restless waiting for the potato to cook.
Bras, Strange objects....
Fashion Cat Posted Jan 23, 2001
hmm. you'd have thought there would be other more appropriate veggies as well. I mean a potato isnt the first thing that would spring to mind. Is it?
Bras, Strange objects....
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Jan 23, 2001
Well..... it was exactly the same shape as a thingy. As Blackadder's puritan aunt, Lady Whiteadder, found out when she demanded a raw turnip.
Bras, Strange objects....
Fashion Cat Posted Jan 23, 2001
I do remember now! That was one of the episodes DD and I had to re-watch if I remember rightly, because someone decided at that point to let me know that we shouldnt just be friends any more! I mean what a time to do something like that when there is Blackadder to be watched! at DD
Bras, Strange objects....
Fashion Cat Posted Jan 23, 2001
hmm... probably right there. but strangely that didnt seem to matter at the time. And there is the added dimension of imbibed wine as well... ho hum, it got me a gay man, so who knows. It could have romantic subliminal messages running through it!
Bras, Strange objects....
The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects Posted Jan 23, 2001
Maybe it was just the amusingly shaped turnip that did it. And I think it was part of the act. And she carves the potato into its amusing shape before she uses it which is before she fries it.
Bras, Strange objects....
Fashion Cat Posted Jan 23, 2001
hmm. is till dont think a potato is the first thing that comes to mind. carrots, i could believe, but which mind would think 'aha! a potato is what I'm looking for'?
Bras, Strange objects....
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Jan 23, 2001
Well, turnips aren't normally that shape either, so maybe she's a Blackadder fan.
Bras, Strange objects....
Fashion Cat Posted Jan 24, 2001
hmm.. thats a good point. parsnips could be quite interesting...
Bras, Strange objects....
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Jan 24, 2001
What about cucumbers? Too obvious?
Bras, Strange objects....
Mina Posted Jun 27, 2002
Cucumbers get my vote!
(What on earth where we talking about??)
Bras, Strange objects....
Demon Drawer Posted Jun 27, 2002
Mind you it did appear to reasonable on topic still roughly.
Persoanlly I'm wearing a union Jack Bra today with Hen on the left breast and Man on the right cup.
Remind me never to use that dyslexic lingerie manufacturer again someone.
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Bras and New Years
- 1601: The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1602: The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1603: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1604: Fashion Cat (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1605: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1606: Fashion Cat (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1607: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1608: Fashion Cat (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1609: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1610: Fashion Cat (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1611: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1612: Fashion Cat (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1613: The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1614: Fashion Cat (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1615: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Jan 23, 2001)
- 1616: Fashion Cat (Jan 24, 2001)
- 1617: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Jan 24, 2001)
- 1618: Mina (Jun 27, 2002)
- 1619: The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects (Jun 27, 2002)
- 1620: Demon Drawer (Jun 27, 2002)
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