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I can remain silent no longer

Post 61


Hmmm, just looking. Fri, Sat & Sunday coming. Which night's your party?

I can remain silent no longer

Post 62

Malabarista - now with added pony

I thought you were away that weekend anyway?

I can remain silent no longer

Post 63


Just the Saturday - but Sunday or Friday would be ok. smiley - ok

I can remain silent no longer

Post 64

Malabarista - now with added pony

We could make it the 11th, that's my actual birthday... But only if it doesn't interfere with your travel plans!

I'm taking Friday off, anyway, but might go back to the museum during the day to look at the Belfast history section for my tour. smiley - ok

I can remain silent no longer

Post 65


Hmmm...would you mind tagging along? I could take Friday off and we could make a day of it. I still haven't been to the museum since it re-opened.

I can remain silent no longer

Post 66

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oh, no, that'd be extra smiley - cool

smiley - biggrin

Theoretically, I'll have to bring smiley - cake for you - them's the German rules - but maybe I'll just find us a café. Pity Cron & Lanz is so far away!

I can remain silent no longer

Post 67


smiley - laugh You have to give me cake on your birthday? I like those rules. Germans are very civilised. smiley - biggrin

Don't hobbits do it that way too? Not that I'm implying anything! smiley - angelsmiley - laugh

I can remain silent no longer

Post 68

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - shhh I'm human!

I can remain silent no longer

Post 69


smiley - biggrin

I'm looking forward to Friday now. It should be a good day. smiley - ok

I can remain silent no longer

Post 70

Malabarista - now with added pony

Gotta be better than uploading pictures of sewage plants, as I am doing again at the moment. smiley - cdouble It didn't save my articles the first time round...

I can remain silent no longer

Post 71


Well, it wouldn't be much of a birthday if it was *worse* than that! smiley - laugh

Sounds annoying. I hope you aren't getting the idea that we love sewage plants as much as we love chimneys, here!

I can remain silent no longer

Post 72

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh I thought they were some sort of national obsession, yes...

I can remain silent no longer

Post 73


Of course, hence the plumbing on the outside, too. smiley - whistle

Here's that Penny Lane thing. Be warned, it's bad. smiley - groan

I can remain silent no longer

Post 74

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Boy, can they ever not ride!

I can remain silent no longer

Post 75


smiley - laugh I was waiting for you to say something along those lines, yes.

Are you interested in doing an Entry on last weekend's route, by the way?

I can remain silent no longer

Post 76

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, good idea. smiley - ok

I can remain silent no longer

Post 77


How shall we do it?

I can remain silent no longer

Post 78

Malabarista - now with added pony

I suppose we need to research the other half, whether by walking it or by reading about it...

I can remain silent no longer

Post 79


So you think we should do that before we start it?

I can remain silent no longer

Post 80

Malabarista - now with added pony

I don't know smiley - silly I just think we ought to do it before we submit it to PR.

Maybe we should work on it as a write-up, then add in the factual bits about route length and so on where applicable?

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