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Mal goes hexagonal
KB Posted Jun 9, 2011
BTW, do you have Z's and MMF's email addresses? I thought I had at least Z's, but don't seem to.
Mal goes hexagonal
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Jun 9, 2011
Yeah, hang on, I'll e-mail you.
Mal goes hexagonal
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Jun 12, 2011
Awww, sorry I really don't meant to stick you all with it, but it's hard when I'm stuck out here!
Did buy decent boots today, for a start...
We're Doing It For Oxfam
KB Posted Jun 14, 2011
The fundraising is the point.
We're doing it for Oxfam. Not to show how cool we are by marching longer.
We're Doing It For Oxfam
KB Posted Jun 15, 2011
Sorry, that sounded like I was having a go at you - I didn't mean to. The money's just the biggest thing on my mind right now. Every time I mention it nobody says anything.
We're Doing It For Oxfam
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Jun 16, 2011
Well, I've already got a few ideas, but we can't start fundraising until the team is registered, so the most urgent thing is to take one good walk together to see if we're compatible, then put our names down!
We're Doing It For Oxfam
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Jun 18, 2011
Look for someone else? You seem keen for your friend to join us, but I have no idea whether she'd be compatible with the group either. So far, none of us have met her.
We're Doing It For Oxfam
KB Posted Jun 19, 2011
The reason I asked was because if we're going with this team no matter what, doing a walk to see if we're compatible doesn't enter into it. You mentioned you friend S. too. I don't know whether you've asked her.
We're Doing It For Oxfam
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Jun 20, 2011
No, I haven't asked her. That was a backup idea. But if need be, your friend is welcome to take my place, then we don't have to disappoint anyone else.
Backup ideas
KB Posted Jul 13, 2011
Yes, the whole idea was back-up in those days. All we knew for sure was that you and I were interested (and perhaps him, and perhaps her, etc).
Backup ideas
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Jul 15, 2011
What the heck was all that about? If you'd rather cancel it, just say so. Unless you say otherwise, I will just assume the walk is off due to inclement weather.
Key: Complain about this post
Mal goes hexagonal
- 501: KB (Jun 9, 2011)
- 502: Malabarista - now with added pony (Jun 9, 2011)
- 503: KB (Jun 9, 2011)
- 504: Malabarista - now with added pony (Jun 9, 2011)
- 505: KB (Jun 9, 2011)
- 506: Malabarista - now with added pony (Jun 10, 2011)
- 507: KB (Jun 11, 2011)
- 508: Malabarista - now with added pony (Jun 12, 2011)
- 509: KB (Jun 14, 2011)
- 510: KB (Jun 15, 2011)
- 511: Malabarista - now with added pony (Jun 16, 2011)
- 512: KB (Jun 17, 2011)
- 513: Malabarista - now with added pony (Jun 18, 2011)
- 514: KB (Jun 19, 2011)
- 515: KB (Jun 19, 2011)
- 516: Malabarista - now with added pony (Jun 20, 2011)
- 517: KB (Jul 13, 2011)
- 518: Malabarista - now with added pony (Jul 15, 2011)
- 519: KB (Jul 16, 2011)
- 520: KB (Jul 16, 2011)
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