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a day at work...
Posted May 29, 2008
chewed up a team leader. *throws up*
it's time to go home.
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Latest reply: May 29, 2008
the right time...
Posted May 27, 2008
for a cup of tea.
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Latest reply: May 27, 2008
so basically...
Posted May 19, 2008
whisky is just distilled beer. not bad!
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Latest reply: May 19, 2008
Posted May 16, 2008
today is a boring day. a day destined to crawl away with no particular events other than the mind-boggling slow speed, which it's crawling away with.
and by "crawling" i don't mean swimming. swimming's good! swimming's meditation.
all creative energy flowing out of every being that calls itself "living" with now hope of ever coming back. perhaps not surprising, the only beings that feel fine in such a day are the bosses - strange species, capable of heroic deeds in times when nobody else is capable of following it's stupid whims and oubreaks of ecstatic inspiration.
... not to be continued.
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Latest reply: May 16, 2008
thrilling sensations...
Posted Apr 28, 2008
today is a special day . about an hour ago i took my first antihistamine pill for the year. despite the cup of strong black tea afterwards, i feel somewhat
. with a little more optimistic attitude i could propably mistake the feeling for enlightenment. however, i dropped my special protobulgarian meditaion last year, so...
, no reasons to be
don't get me wrong! i don't blame the grass, the trees or any green-leafy thing that lives. besides, i love salad. but sometimes, when you're not able to breathe, it's not that pleasant, even though i have been trained for years, unlike some rookies : U1587918 here. it is really nerve-racking, when one's trying to play basketball (or whatever one plays normally) with a quarter of a lung .
let's chant for a dry and hot summer (the sooner, the better) . 35 degrees Celsius at least!
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Latest reply: Apr 28, 2008
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