This is a Journal entry by almaak - appalled by bad taste


Post 1

almaak - appalled by bad taste

today is a boring day. a day destined to crawl away with no particular events other than the mind-boggling slow speed, which it's crawling away with.


and by "crawling" i don't mean swimming. swimming's good! swimming's meditation.smiley - zen


all creative energy flowing out of every being that calls itself "living" with now hope of ever coming back. perhaps not surprising, the only beings that feel fine in such a day are the bosses - strange species, capable of heroic deeds in times when nobody else is capable of following it's stupid whims and oubreaks of ecstatic inspiration.

... not to be continued.


Post 2


Hm... smiley - huh What have YOU been taking lately?
It can't be just the antihistamines! smiley - cool


Post 3

almaak - appalled by bad taste

so many spelling mistakes smiley - headhurts it's rubbish!

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