This is a Journal entry by almaak - appalled by bad taste

thrilling sensations...

Post 1

almaak - appalled by bad taste

today is a special day smiley - flyhi. about an hour ago i took my first antihistamine pill for the year. despite the cup of strong black tea afterwards, i feel somewhat smiley - online2long. with a little more optimistic attitude i could propably mistake the feeling for enlightenment. however, i dropped my special protobulgarian meditaion last year, so... smiley - erm, no reasons to be smiley - zen.

don't get me wrong! i don't blame the grass, the trees or any green-leafy thing that lives. besides, i love salad. but sometimes, when you're not able to breathe, it's not that pleasant, even though i have been trained for years, unlike some rookies : U1587918 here. it is really nerve-racking, when one's trying to play basketball (or whatever one plays normally) with a quarter of a lung smiley - tongueincheek.

let's chant for a dry and hot summer (the sooner, the better) smiley - whistle. 35 degrees Celsius at least! smiley - cheers

thrilling sensations...

Post 2


Who are you calling rooky? Hmmm? smiley - steam
I'd like to see you playing basketball (or even simply walking) while drawning in your own slime smiley - evilgrin

And.. WHAT kind of meditation??? smiley - huh

thrilling sensations...

Post 3

almaak - appalled by bad taste

Protobulgarian. Special kind of meditation involving humming (or omming, if you prefer) in a 25/16 meter. smiley - smileysmiley - zen

ps. By the way - it's rookie, not rooky smiley - winkeye

thrilling sensations...

Post 4


Oooomm... Oooommm....
smiley - zen
25/16 m what?

Ooommm, oooommm...
smiley - zen
Did you invent it yourself? Protobulgarian uuummming?

And who the **** do you think you are correcting my spelling?

smiley - run

thrilling sensations...

Post 5

almaak - appalled by bad taste

25/16 meter. it's a special kind of leg-breaking rhythm. Chuckling.

it's me, the SPELLING CORRECTOR! muahahahaha!

smiley - lurk

P.S. invented? NOOO! i just vent it. kekeke.

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