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what I like:

the 30's...
almost everything about the period

F. Scott Fitzgerald

instrumental music

huge empty spaces smiley - somersault

white empty walls

huge windows

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Latest reply: Feb 2, 2006



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Latest reply: Jan 16, 2006


As it looks this is the most dead hour of the day. It seems that nobody stays up this late! Or perhaps this early smiley - smiley
I always thought that the Earth is round. smiley - eureka It doesn't seem to be right, though. Because if it was right, there should be some kind of activity among the people round here smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Jul 23, 2005

computer's psyche...

Well, I guess it was pretty hot that day. It seemed that every machine at work was trying to get rid of every single stupid homo sapiens who was standing in front of its face, staring at it with empty eyes waiting for the day to end. 6 o'clock! I was just about to leave when terrible thing happened. Everything around me HAPPENS! I have no part in the happening thing, you know smiley - smiley Lost keys, broken keys, broken vases... Everything HAPPENS by itself smiley - smiley Curious thing but still, a fact smiley - winkeye So this time I didn't do anything again as well. I can't imagine that I tossed it by accident. That's impossible! I can control my body parts perfectly well. So the only reason for the "accident" that left is that the computer just decided to go to bed. It just keeled over. It must have been very tired, I suppose, because there was a crash as it layed its sleepy circuits on the floor. Its face froze on the h2g2 webpage. "Well, that's it", I said. We need some rest, too. Let the poor creature enjoy its well deserved sleep.
Next day in the morning. The computer was good as new. No traces of stress or weariness on its face. Some guy was tapping his fingers on the keyboard with a great speed. "See", I said to myself. Things just happen. No need for me to make them happen. Obviously the machine needed a rest and it took time-out. Then I turned my eyes to the computer beside it. Blue screen! Some ugly fault: xdfIRQ-TLSF: 6542634cgs3423gbshgd... and a huge explanation beneath. No need to read it. The facts were perfectly clear. That is exactly what happens if one doesn't give the well deserved rest of a computer. Tragedy!

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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2005

About the samovars...

We used to have one at home. It was a really big thing. It worked with electricity and it was good enough for making, maybe, 2 liters of tea. My mother used to heal my bronchitis with it, I mean, not that I ate the samovar or something like that smiley - biggrin She used to prepare camomile inhalation in it for me almost every time I was ill. The idea was for me to sleep in the same room where the samovar or rather... it was the other way ariund, the samovar had to sleep in the same room with me, so that I could inhale the vapour. It had quite a good effect smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2005

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