This is a Journal entry by almaak - appalled by bad taste


Post 1

almaak - appalled by bad taste

As it looks this is the most dead hour of the day. It seems that nobody stays up this late! Or perhaps this early smiley - smiley
I always thought that the Earth is round. smiley - eureka It doesn't seem to be right, though. Because if it was right, there should be some kind of activity among the people round here smiley - biggrin


Post 2


The Earth is round? Never heard such a wired idea! Where did you get that from? smiley - huh

It's disk shaped, sitting on the back of 4 elephants (that were five once upon a time), which in turn sit on the back of a giant Turtle, called A'Tuin!

Hm.. Thought YOU of all people should know that!
smiley - winkeye


Post 3

almaak - appalled by bad taste

Right! I should read more carefully next time smiley - smiley

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