This is a Journal entry by almaak - appalled by bad taste

the right time...

Post 1

almaak - appalled by bad taste

for a cup of tea. smiley - teasmiley - bigeyessmiley - zen

the right time...

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*drags in her Matt* smiley - lurk

Have you been busy? smiley - smiley

the right time...

Post 3

almaak - appalled by bad taste

extremely. i have been trying to extract a rowcount from a given table of a database for quite a long time. now that the Nth attempt was successful, i can congratulate myself with a cup of tea. you know, 5 o'clock could be regarded as a turning point in a poor man's life smiley - drool. what colour is your Matt? chocolate?

the right time...

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Indeed it is a turning point A25734323

Yes, my Matt is a sort of smiley - choc colour smiley - lurk

the right time...

Post 5

almaak - appalled by bad taste

as if it was written by me smiley - tongueout. and what are you doing at this time of the day, besides, of course, hiding behind a block of chocolate? smiley - winkeye

the right time...

Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


That was written after Fizzymouse gave me a challenge smiley - biggrin

I am currently attempting to write another EG, this time about Joe Mercer the Football player and eventually England Manager smiley - biggrin

the right time...

Post 7

almaak - appalled by bad taste

smiley - wow you have a plan! who's Joe Mercer and what did he fight for?

*slurping a sip*

the right time...

Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Ummm... He was a famous Footballer from my home town.

He played for Everton and Arsenal. He eventually became the manager of Manchester City FC and was the very first care-taker/manager after Sir Alf Ramsey retired.

the right time...

Post 9

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


That should be caretaker/manager of the England Football Team.

the right time...

Post 10

almaak - appalled by bad taste

you really have a football history! great!

the right time...

Post 11

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I have lots of local information, as well as those from within the family too smiley - ok

the right time...

Post 12

almaak - appalled by bad taste

doesn't it bother you that history can easily be twisted? my grandma, for instance, says she never lies. yeah, right smiley - winkeye

the right time...

Post 13

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - rofl

My grandad once told me he had been in the Olympics... as a low jumper smiley - rolleyes

the right time...

Post 14

almaak - appalled by bad taste

smiley - huh

*looking for a definition of "low jumper" in the dictionary*

the right time...

Post 15

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

It was his joke. Meaning he went under the bar and not over it!

He was only 5' tall smiley - rofl

the right time...

Post 16

almaak - appalled by bad taste

smiley - biggrin

the right time...

Post 17

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Just read the top and bottom: A19441712

Grandad was someone we all took notice of, no matter what he said.

One of my younger cousins was so enthralled by him, he would recite everything my grandad said. Including the naughty version of 'On Top of Old Smokey', which he recited when his parents had business people over for dinner.. smiley - tongueout

the right time...

Post 18

almaak - appalled by bad taste

not familiar with the song, but pretty sure it was meant as a nice surpirse smiley - biggrin

the right time...

Post 19

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

It was a surprise to his parents too! smiley - laugh

the right time...

Post 20

almaak - appalled by bad taste

smiley - smiley great article. pretty adventureous grandad smiley - ok. mine also had pretty interesting life. not famous though.

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