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NaJoPoMo Day Eight Mags - Going Back to My Roots
Posted Nov 8, 2013
Well, not exactly *my* roots, but I do remember playing Gauntlet and Sleepy Hollow on a fridge in the Arcade.
Last year Midway Games brought out a compilation of 'classic' games and my game rental supplier has decided that's what I'm getting today, some of the games I remember - not actually playing them but aware of them so this should be fun.
I started home gaming with a SNES, playing Super Mario World, Zelda, Donkey Kong Country and Street Fighter among others. I still have the console, and some of the games but the power pack and controllers appear to be somewhere else. We have emulators on the PC and I can kill Andross (the final Boss in Starwing) over and over again and a little while back we bought some Nintendo points for the Wii so bought Super Mario World. It's still the best ever Mario game, although we're stuck in a castle at the minute and no matter how many lives we get we still die at the Boss. I remember it so clearly and I also remember getting a *lot* further, but that could just be because we only play it every once in a while and not *all* day, like I used to.
The graphics may not be up to today's standards, or even the last decade's, but I'm sure going back is going to be interesting.
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Latest reply: Nov 8, 2013
NaJoPoMo Day Seven Mags - Driven by Me
Posted Nov 7, 2013
I love a good drving game.
I cut my teeth on Gran Turismo on the Playstation and my love has just grown over the years. Colin McRea Rally ('Let's see how you did') Crash Team Racing, Need for Speed. All these any many many more have had me playing for hours and hours on end. I'm not keen on the F1 - types because they're far too unforgiving, you can't crash into the car in front and overtake them, you can't scuff a barrier*. Where's the fun in that?
The Forza games are some of the very best 3 and 4 can take several weeks to complete and Horizon has some of the best scenery ever, so much so that I crashed several times while just looking at the trees dressed in shades of Autumn.
World Rally Championship can be quite entertaining, as your Co-driver gives you the pacenotes, 'Left 2, over bridge, tightens' etc When I'm with hubby in the car while playing one of these games I often try and give him instructions like that
I really must finish Fast and Furious Showdown, I've had it *far* too long...
* I feel I must point out that I don't actually drive in RL, my husband is very thankful for that.
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Latest reply: Nov 7, 2013
NaJoPoMo Day six Mags - Epic Fail
Posted Nov 6, 2013
After the fluff of yesterday, I wish to make a complaint.
Epic Games are doing my head in.
Yes, Gears of War 2 is an old game, but is there really any reason at all I have had to use three different profiles so far to play the game? I started with our secondary profile, moved on to my 'American' one and now I'm on my son's.
What happens is that the game fails to load when played in Co-op. Epic are/were aware of this and the 'fixes' I've tried have failed. I've deleted and reclaimed my profile (that usually works), I've gone to the 'Training Grounds' while not signed in and signed in there. No joy. All three profiles have earned some of the same achievements (my active reload is getting much better) and I can still play the game with my hubby, so that's not the issue. The issue is, if they are/were aware of it why couldn't they just 'patch' it? Send an update to Xbox Live? Surely not all players who wish to play Co-op aren't bothered about not being able to get all the acheivements? Gah!
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Latest reply: Nov 6, 2013
NaJoPoMo number five Mags - Fluffy?
Posted Nov 5, 2013
After the blood and guns of the last few days it's time to talk 'fluffy' gaming. So lets look at Skylanders.
We bought the first game 'Spyro's Adventure' second hand. It's called a 'Starter Pack' because you need a few different characters to complete the game and comes with the 'Portal of Power' where you place the little plastic figures. We spent the next few months buying 'new' figures for the game and 'add-on' packs which are basically extra levels that come with a Skylander and 'power-up'. We also bought the second game 'Giants' when it came out and have continued to add to the collection with 'Swap Force'. My son got the final Giant Skylander for his birthday and now we need more Swap Force characters as well.
It's not a cheap game, but it *is* very fun and you still get to kill things, even if they do have silly names like Chompies and Arkeyan Jousters and the plastic figures are quite good to look at as well.
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Latest reply: Nov 5, 2013
NaJoPoMo Mags - The worm turns
Posted Nov 4, 2013
I spent some of yesterday evening walking through a worm, his little beauty to be precise : We found Carmine, but it was too late for him and he died This is the second time a character called Carmine has died in Gears of War games and before the release of Gears 3 there was a Save Carmine/Kill Carmine campaign. People could buy tshirts (both real and virual) to support whichever side they were on. My Xbox avatar proudly wore its Save Tshirt for several months and Carmine's fate was revealed near the end of 3.
Back to the Riftworm, after avoiding teeth, digestive juices and killing some rather odd looking scuttling things, we had to cut off the blood supply to its three hearts and then carve our way out of there before we drowned in blood. Following our escape one of the best lines in any game is uttered by Baird 'I'm coughing up blood that ain't even mine!'
I'll try and play something 'fluffy' today. Maybe some Skylanders.
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Latest reply: Nov 4, 2013
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