This is a Journal entry by Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

NaJoPoMo Day Eight Mags - Going Back to My Roots

Post 1

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Well, not exactly *my* roots, but I do remember playing Gauntlet and Sleepy Hollow on a fridge in the Arcade.

Last year Midway Games brought out a compilation of 'classic' games and my game rental supplier has decided that's what I'm getting today, some of the games I remember - not actually playing them but aware of them so this should be fun.

I started home gaming with a SNES, playing Super Mario World, Zelda, Donkey Kong Country and Street Fighter among others. I still have the console, and some of the games but the power pack and controllers appear to be somewhere else. We have emulators on the PC and I can kill Andross (the final Boss in Starwing) over and over againsmiley - somersault and a little while back we bought some Nintendo points for the Wii so bought Super Mario World. It's still the best ever Mario game, although we're stuck in a castle at the minute and no matter how many lives we get we still die at the Boss. I remember it so clearly and I also remember getting a *lot* further, but that could just be because we only play it every once in a while and not *all* day, like I used to.

The graphics may not be up to today's standards, or even the last decade's, but I'm sure going back is going to be interesting.

NaJoPoMo Day Eight Mags - Going Back to My Roots

Post 2

Sho - employed again!

smiley - footprints

NaJoPoMo Day Eight Mags - Going Back to My Roots

Post 3


Deb smiley - cheerup

NaJoPoMo Day Eight Mags - Going Back to My Roots

Post 4

Researcher 14993127

smiley - frogsmiley - spacereddit

smiley - cat

NaJoPoMo Day Eight Mags - Going Back to My Roots

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I don''t know if anybody remembers those games that were embedded in tables at the ice cream parlour or billiard place? <bigeyes. Like Tetris? I don't remember what they were called. Are those classic?

Or pre-classical? smiley - run

NaJoPoMo Day Eight Mags - Going Back to My Roots

Post 6


Remember cassettes taking hours to load so you could watch a green line move and hit a green blob! Prehistoric classic?

NaJoPoMo Day Eight Mags - Going Back to My Roots

Post 7

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

NaJoPoMo Day Eight Mags - Going Back to My Roots

Post 8

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Tetris prolly sounds about right, D, and Space Invaders smiley - biggrin

Tried Smash TV tonight.

Gods, I'm rubbish.

Well, I suppose it's over 19 years ago that I played the SNES version, I can't be expected to remember which door they all come from can I?

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