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NaJoPoMo day 25 Mags - Escape to New York

Lego Marvel Superheroes, what can I say?

Well, the things that worked really well in some of the later games don't work quite as well here. The split screen dynamic is slightly off meaning that when you're playing it in co-op you sometimes can't even see one of the characters, let alone interact with whatever it is you're supposed to be interacting with. The NPCs in New York get very boring saying the same things over and over again. as well.

The fact that New York is quite compact and there's a little man running in front of you when you select a destination is really rather cool, mind. You can find the additional charcters and Gold Bricks quite easily.

Needing to defeat almost all the game before being able to go into Free Play and access all the areas in the level can get quite daft, but it has always been everthus.

Good game, still enjoying it. Nearly at Magneto, and can use Liberty in the City.

Back to Army of Two: 40th Day today, mind need to find those smiley - cats

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Latest reply: Nov 25, 2013

NaJoPoMo 24th day - Mags - Slow, slow, quick, quick, slow

Well that's three people on me Xbox friends list that have already set out their stall and bought an XBox One. Might join 'em at some point, after all the bugs are ironed out, possibly, probably.

Started playing Army of Two: 40th Day yesterday (before and after Dr Who, natch)
It's a wee bit different to the first and a bit hard to get into at first. Still smiley - cool mind.

Hubby has also been playing Lost Planet 3 this weekend. If only I could remember the first two.

His poor fingers can't do the quick-time events, where you mash a certain button on the controller, until your thumb, index finger, little toe etc start to bleed. smiley - silly

So I've been called in to 'make it so'.

Top game tip of the day?

Don't eat the snow.

Oh and the random footy score for the week?

Man City 6 Tottenham Hotspur 0

Shame, eh? smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Nov 24, 2013

NaJoPoMo Day 22 Mags - Launch Day

Xbox One launched in the UK at midnight and PS4 is due next Friday. Which one will I be going for? Well, neither at the minute. I've still got far too many 360 games unfinished (some hardly even started) and games will still be released for 360, so I'm staying put. It took me nearly three years to move to it in the first place and, my gods, are they expensive. At least you no longer have to connect 'the spy in corner of your room' (otherwise known as Kinect) for the system to work, even though you have to pay higher price 'because it's there'. I didn't want the £100 white elephant when it was released for 360. Lets face it, if I wanted to wave my hands in front of the telly I've still fot a PS2 Eye Toy and I also have a Wii.

Whether I move back to Sony or stay with Microsoft only time will tell.

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Latest reply: Nov 22, 2013

NaJoPoMo Day 21 Mags - A Confession

I admit it, I'm an acheivement whore. I've played some pretty pathetic games just for that 1000g. Fight Night Round 3, a dire, dire boxing game that required you bash two buttons over and over and over. For five hours. 1000g at the end, mind. Job's a gudun.

Film tie-ins are usually pretty pants as well, no matter how good the film. Lego versions tend to be absolutely brilliant, but the non Lego versions of Harry Potter are downright dreary and have very clunky controls. The beauty of movie tie-ins is that they tend to be rather short, and some of them have a few different types of mini-games in them to keep you slightly interested.The worst one I think I ever played was Jumper, the film was pretty pants and the game is even worse, boring, repetitive and gloomy as a dark cave - even worse the achievements didn't 'stack' (ie if you play the game first time on the hardest setting you get all the lower settings as well when you complete the game) Jumper had three difficulty levels and I had to play the damned thing through three times.

There are some rather excellent ones out there, The Amazing Spider-Man, Kung Fu Panda (seriously), but generally speaking kids film tie ins are a distration for few hours and easy cheevos.

The game that took the least amount of time to 1000g? Well, that would be Avatar: The Burning Earth. It only had 5 achievements and you could just bash away at the B button for about 20 mins just after the start of the game to get them all. Thnkfully no-one actually bought the game, it just did the rounds of family and friends when it came in to rent at Blockbuster.

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Latest reply: Nov 21, 2013

NaJoPoMo Day 20 Mags - You must remember this

Well, that'll teach me not to go back to a game with a complicated battle system without first at least trying to remember how to do it. The game is 'Remember Me' and it's really rather good, although I thought there would be more opportunities to remix memories.

It's yer basic action-adventure game, with a very confusing melee battle system but a very interesting way of maniuplating people's memories. You can make your victim relive a memory and totally change the way they remember it. eg one chap, who's wife has actually left him, becomes convinced he killed her and is about to be arrested - he ends up killing himself just as his wife is about to enter the office. There are also places where you can 'follow' certain characters by reliving the routes they have taken previously.

Now, just to get my head back into the battle system so I can beat this lot of shadowy characters.

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Latest reply: Nov 20, 2013

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